Well-Known Member
Clayton is a funny mofo. Everytimeni see him post I am reading. I could only imagine him in person and high as fuck I would prob shit and piss myself laughing my ass off
Very kind of you to say, thank you.
Clayton is a funny mofo. Everytimeni see him post I am reading. I could only imagine him in person and high as fuck I would prob shit and piss myself laughing my ass off
My wife works at a care center and those
old bats are funny.
There is one that always wheels over to me and asks me not to tell her husband
about us.
Thinking I should bang her before he finds out and kills me or she realizes im not who she thinks I a.m.
ahhaah I missed reading some of your outrageousenousseses. Youre the kinda guy people throw buds at, i know i would.
I miss him a great deal @ClaytonBigsby be well where ever you are! Come back and say high.Man, I really miss our CB's stories
Ditto. I fify C2G.I miss him a great deal @ClaytonBigsby be well where ever you are! Come back and stay high.
Ditto. I fify C2G.
Don't know why people always want to paint things in a negative light, why not see it as a positive, take herpes for one example, if you like unprotected sex you'll love sex during a herpes outbreak, the open sores are really just pleasure enhancement so much more sensitivity when you're raw, the sores combined with the lack of lubrication old age causes can make for some intense friction.Lol fact stds are one of the top issues health care providers face dealing with in old age homes...
the klan also did a lot of good things for people, it's just not popular to talk about that part of the klans history.
I was just defending David Duke, I think it was you who asked who thought christian fundementalisim is good- and I was pointing out that i'm sure Christian fundamentalists do.
I am pointing out that you could consider David Duke a representitive of minorities, in that he was a Klan leader and Klansmen and those who share their ideals are a minority and as a successful politican and scolar Dr David Duke could be considered one of that groups few representitives.
Dr Duke is a very intelligent man with many valid points.
I'm just sick of Govt mandated rasicim and the united negro college fund and the black cacus
right...!! if people want equality try equal treatment not just equal when its good and.. female or gay or black when it will get you special treatment