Getting rid of chlorine and chloramine

I know my spelling is off, but you understand lol

I realise the most common answer to getting rid of contaminates like chlorine is using those drops from the pet store for fish tanks. BUT i did a little check on these said drops and it contains Sodium Hydroxymetheine Sulfinate, Chelating Compounds and Polyvinyl. Im going to research these chemicals individually and probably hurt my brain in the process. What I'd really like to know though is how these treat our favourite girls. Any negative affects from said chemicals? Is it worth the $10 bottle that will last about one harvest? or just let the chlorine to evaporate? Im just afraid of that new stuff chloramine or however you spell it.

Also... will this affect any ferts im using?

Thanks for the help!
anybody out there with any knowledge on this? could really use some advice here with these drops....
im keeping my water at 20 celsius. to do so im using a water heater that needs the water level to be constantly topped up. letting my water sit and evaporate has been working so far but my babes are going to need more water very soon. i really dont want chloramine and chlorine getting to my plants. are these threads dead or am i just being over looked?


Well-Known Member
I let the water sit in the can in the grow room. When I water I go fill up the can and put it back this gets rid of all chlorine. Also helps to put a air stone in the can as well it runs here 24/7 I mix the nutes right before I water.


Well-Known Member
I put mine out the day before I water, sometimes two.
Just let it sit in a bucket so I have the open surface area, and give it a little stir every now and then.


Well-Known Member
if your water supplier uses chlorine it's as simple as letting it set for 24 hours, an airstone in it will help outgas. chloramine is a bit different and IF your water supplier uses it you can't just let it set for 24 hours. I was reading to remove chloramine you have to add chlorine and then subject it to UV light for 24 hours or so.theres also filters that remove chlorine, dunno that the same filter removes chloramine but maybe. and then there's always RO which removes every-fucking-thing.


Well-Known Member
If you are worried, get an RO filter.

Chlorine is not really used anymore, most water treatment is done with chloramines. Letting your water sit is a waste of time.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Why are you worried about it? It's not going to hurt your plants.

They're not contaminants. They're added to kill pathogens. Specifically E. Coli, but they also help to keep pythium at bay. A lot of commercial hydroponic growers use it to keep their reservoirs sterile
yea i will just buy the drops. i do use an air stone to help remove the chlorine faster. i just dont like putting my reservoir in my grow area because it gets too hot. water's ideal temp is 68F or 20C. like i said before though letting it sit doesnt work with my water heater because the water needs to stay topped up. so say i take out 4L to water, i need to put in 4L back into my reservoir. im watering about once every 3-4 days BUT i replace the water in my misting bottle everyday. the drops at the store said they get rid of heavy metals, chlorine and chloramine. just wanted to play it safe. thanks for the help guys!


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is playing it safe to add drops to remove something.
RO would be playing it safe.

Do you drink that tap water?


Ursus marijanus
I know my spelling is off, but you understand lol

I realise the most common answer to getting rid of contaminates like chlorine is using those drops from the pet store for fish tanks. BUT i did a little check on these said drops and it contains Sodium Hydroxymetheine Sulfinate, Chelating Compounds and Polyvinyl. Im going to research these chemicals individually and probably hurt my brain in the process. What I'd really like to know though is how these treat our favourite girls. Any negative affects from said chemicals? Is it worth the $10 bottle that will last about one harvest? or just let the chlorine to evaporate? Im just afraid of that new stuff chloramine or however you spell it.

Also... will this affect any ferts im using?

Thanks for the help!
The chelating compounds and polyvinyl (alcohol?) are just conditioning agents for the drops and without further consequence.

The hydroxymethylenesulfonate was formerly known as "sodium formaldehyde bisulfite" and shows that it is essentially an SO2 source, which is the reducing agent here.
Chloramine doesn't evaporate like elemental chlorine. The drops remove it, but slowly (hours) as opposed to their action with chlorine (seconds). cn
yea i drink the tap water. i dont want to get into RO because i would have to add the cal and mag. i will just keep doing what im doing. i was just curious about the drops. im in my first grow and using soil with two sun system 150W with MH conversion bulbs for veg. since its my first grow im just sensing everything out and playing it safe when i can. sorry to bother, but the drops seemed some what convenient.

should it be known to growers that the hydroxymethylenesulfonate will affect nutrients and or harm our plants???