Getting rid of cig smell


Well-Known Member
Well as many of you may have the same problem I have. My gf hates the smell of cigarette smoke on my hands and breath etc. Use lemon juice to wash your hands and then gargle with it. To get the shitty flavor out drink a beer. Done and done. Now you can smoke and get some play.


Well-Known Member
This thread is such a fail, half the peeps can't even understand what the OP is

I would just quit smokin,....look I already care about you more than your girlfriend, good luck JR


Well-Known Member
as a former smoker and now equipped with a sense of smell,i can tell you nothing gets rid of that smell besides a shower and time

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
If it's that bad, rig up some kind of ducting and a PC fan so it exhausts the smoke outside.

Being a smoker myself I know how bad it effects the environment you smoke in. My PC clogs up with really dirty Tobacco smoke real quick.

Hope this helps.

Cheap Basterd


Well-Known Member
Jesus. You guys are fucking thick headed. I dont smoke in the house. Im talking about when your done smoking outside use it to wash your hands and rinse your mouth. I like lemon juice so it taste good for a few seconds. For fuck sakes I do it for her so she doesnt have to smell it. And does work. Its a simple trick. Take the advice or dont.


Well-Known Member
ya cause she is lucky to have you, sleeping all day while she is earning the living right?

And what is your problem. You one of those really neat o guys that trolls around trying to make yourself feel better by being my witty? Your a real impressive guy, I see from your other post on here.