collecting the pollen now is more work then its worth and might contaminate your grow area and seed future grows. and yea you need a male and female to make seeds, what you are seeing that look like seeds are the pollen sacks, most people refer to them as the plants ball sacks or just sacks. if you're new at growing and want to grow and learn, the best thing to do is collect bag seeds. it could even be really seeds from really shitty weed. sometimes teh plants you grow from those are pretty decent for free seeds and the reason the weed the seed came from sucked is because its mexican weed grown by the acre and no one really takes care of those plants, plus they're seeded so its not gona be as strong as non seeded plants. thats how i learned to grow, with bag seeds. when youre new youre gona end up with males, or end up killing a few plants due to mistakes or whatever. so its cheaper then buying some really good seeds just to kill em cus youre inexperienced. once you know some of the ins and outs of growing get some good seeds or a few good clones, just my 2 cents.