getting the most out of a 20' container


how would you set up a 20 foot container for commercial grow?

multi layered shelves?
massive scrog?

split in 2/3rd for bud and 1/3rd rooms for vege?

you have 5.7m long,2.35m width and 2.28m height


Active Member
If it were me, assuming were are talking for commercial purpose here, this is what I'd do. I've very familar with shipping containers.

(3) Octagon grow "cells". I assume depending on the design, you can get (3) cells inside the container. Each cell would contain in excess of 80+ plants, so 240+ plants total. I'd assume each cell would have a footprint of 5' wide x 8' max height (actually shorter than this) x less than 8' wide (the width of the container).

Thus you can fit 3 of these cells inside and still have roughly 5 feet left open on the door end of the container.

Each cell would have 2-3 600w HPS lights in series inside cool tubes; hanging vertically in the middle of each cell. So 6-9 600w HPS lights total.

Obviously you will need to air condition the entire container. A outside 2-4 ton unit would work just fine i imagine.

CO2 enrichment for the entire container.

All controls would be on the door end of the container and seperated by a insulated "zip wall". The entire container would be lined with reflecive mylar or similar.

Each cell would be an aeroponics setup with fluids draining to the bottom to a small container with a float level activated pump, to pump those fluids back to a larger container (55 gal drum?) contained in the 5' open area at the end of the container. This would keep the fluids out of the warmer areas as much as possible. Also much easier to change fluids/nutes when needed.

Obviously fans inside to move air.

Obviously your going to want a generator of some sort. You have alot to lose if the power goes out.

Obviously proper intake and exhaust fans, along with odor control.

As for strains, I'd go with Dr. Greenthumbs Endless Sky. A quick 6 week flowering plant. I'd rather have a high turn over rate than grow monster trees and try to train them.

If you did this right, you can have a prepetual harvest. 80+ plants every few weeks.

As for Veg., I'd keep them completely outside the container. This is big operation by itself. You'll be cutting and cloning these things constantly i imagine.

So, I'd assume, even if you sucked at growing, 80 plants at 1/2 oz per plant, your looking at at least 40 oz every 2-3 weeks. I don't think you'd have a problem getting 6lbs per month, every month. Not bad for 160sq ft of floor space or less. If i had to guess, considering market prices, you could gross $25,000 monthly from this kind of operation.

Mind you, this operation would be very expensive to get going.