Getting weed abroad


Well-Known Member
So I am usually a pretty sensible guy. When I do smoke here in the states I do it at home and I know my rights if the boys in blue show up.

My wife and I travel a lot and we are planning a trip for about a year from now. I am a HUGE Rick Steves (big norml supporter) fan and I am listening to one of his podcasts right now about Jamaica.

So my question is have you ever bought weed in a foreign country and if so how did you do it? I am more concerned about getting crappy "tourist" weed from a guy offering it on the streets.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
i got an 8th of dank from CA when i was at a wedding. me and a budddy rolled up like 8 or 10 jays and smoked em in like 2 or 3 days. the dank was no different then american dank lol


Well-Known Member
i got an 8th of dank from CA when i was at a wedding. me and a budddy rolled up like 8 or 10 jays and smoked em in like 2 or 3 days. the dank was no different then american dank lol
Canada or California? Either way neither of those are really "foreign" countries. I mean if you get caught with an 8th in Canada its not like you are going to end up in a concrete hole with a pot to drink from and one to shit in.


Well-Known Member
hell i would like to find some good bud were i live much less in a foreign country,but any way,go to legal edge forum on this site then click stickys first legel forum post, and click webehigh .com this might help! good luck


Well-Known Member
When I went to jamaica the weed was so god damn cheap. They didnt sell by grams or anything they would have bags of fucking colas! I paid 15$ a cola, but it was actually good bud with no seeds. And hell I spent 45$ and had more than enough weed for the week. I bought it on a tour of a plantation.


Well-Known Member
i got a friend who bought weed in jamaica but he said the prices are very similar for the tourists but the bud was much much better :blsmoke:

MEntaL fLoSS

Active Member
I was able to grab an eigth when I went to Barcelona. Me and my friend got it from a guy sellin' it on the street. We were nervous but we eventually just did it. The guy actually even offered it to us when we were walking by. I think it was like 20 euro. Plus to add to that later in our hotel a guy and his girlfriend sold me some hash. Guess I was just lucky that day....


Well-Known Member
if u wanna get weed in another country
walk around and look like someone who somkes
like wear rasta colors
and bob marley shirts and shit
they will def ask u if u are in need of some bud


Well-Known Member
Dont know if you would count St. Croix as a foreign place since it is in the USVI but when I was working over there the weed was pretty damn good. Never knew what the name of the bud was but always different and always good. We always got $100 bags and would be about a 1/2 oz. or so. Just have to be careful who you ask , just like anywhere else. We were lucky enough to come across a guy who was a local that was working with us that hooked us up all the time. I would compare the islanders there to jamaicans even though St. Croix locals are called "cruzians" or however its spelled.


Well-Known Member
a guy met my buddies at the airport in jamaica and was there "adult tour guide". he could get them anything at any time. drugs, prostitutes, anything.


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmm how do u hire this adult tour guide?
apparently he finds you. he just walked up to my buddy and asked if he wanted a pound and a half of purple outdoor. he owned a taxi and everything. i missed out on that trip.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm so it would be in ur best interest to be as high and look as stonerish as possible when u get off the plane then?