Geuss the weight?


Active Member
I call bullshit on the guy trimming 1 pound every 2 hours . I bet it looks like shit or your Edward scissor hands!

Im trimming next weekend, if you want, I will make a video and post it.... If I run Casey Jones, I will sit down with a lb in front of me, watch a couple DVR'd shows... and from the time I start pulling fan leaves, till they are starting to be hung or laid out on my racks, it will be @ 2-2.5 hours.... I pull all fan leaves, and anything "grabbable", then I cut off the popcorn and put it all in a bucket, trim whatever tops need to be hand trimmed, then run the rest through a trimmer.... Done deal... Been doing it for 3 yrs now... In the beginning it took me almost 6 hours per lb, I have fine tuned it and get it done in almost 1/3 of that time now. Call BS if you want, but I will prove it if necessarry. I have no reason to lie, the post wasnt even about me.... I was using my skill as a median point for how long his trimming should take.... Im no Edward Scissorhands.. lol.. But Im a beast when it comes to trimming... My hands move faster than an 18 yr old asian when she rolls you over at the massage parlor for a happy ending....