GF got this stuff at lowes


so the GF/fiance was at the lowes and picked up a few things she thought i might could use...i know MG products supposudly suck but this is what we got..
MG organic 8-0-0
green light superbloom (it says Flower food, dont know if that matters) its 12-55-6
also picked up some green light cloning hormone
oh and a big bag of jiffy brand all purpose potting mix (which looks like some fine stuff but what do i know)
basically i just would like some opinions on this stuff...if it will work and such...
as always any help or opinions are very much appreciated....thanks

also got a couple 300 watt eqiv(dont remember the actual wattage) 2700k cfl to add to the light bank


Well-Known Member
300 watt equiv? that must be like 90 watt cfls, because i grabbed a 55 watt 27K the other night and it was a 200 watt equiv.

From what i've heard and from my very small experience with MG stuff, it seems that mainly the problems with it are that it can easily cause nute burn if you even slightly overwater. BUT since it's organic i assume it's better than just regular MG stuff. I used MG's organic potting soil and never had even the slightest of problems.


Well-Known Member
During my first grow, I used MG fert, and that same Superbloom, with great results. Add some epsom salts to your feeding routine, and you can make the combo work great. But, that MG she picked up, isn't the right stuff. Either switch to the regular stuff(24-8-16), or try Jacks Classic. The Jacks is supposed to be the better of the two. IDK, I think they're both about the same, when used correctly. With both the bllom and the veg ferts, mix it weak, and it won't burn your plants. That's a very common mistake. At 1/4 strength, they're about the equivalent of full stregth cannabis-specific ferts, so keep that in mind. 1/8 MG/SB, is about 1/2 strength equivalent, so you might even want to start out with less than that.

Add 20% perlite to the soil, and it'll work well. Drainage is what most soils are lacking, and once you correct that, just about any of them, work great. I plan to test MG soil against Fox Farms Ocean forest, when my current clones are ready for transplant. Should be interesting to find out the truth. I'm rather certain that MG soil will perform near the same as OF, both with equal amounts of perlite added(as close as possible) or really close. Vegging for a few weeks, before nutes are necessary, will solve that, once and for all. :wink:


ok guys...thanks for the help...ill stop by lowes and pick up some of the regular MG...i was a little worried about that super bloom stuff....thanks for the reassurance...ill try these nutes ou as soon as i cut he two gilrs i got on my first grow...their nearly finished(as far as i can tell)....i have a time using that litle scope i got from radio works fine but its hard to hold the bud and the scope and adjust it all at the same didn't use any nutes at all on my first grow...i just mixed a few diff things i had (potting soil from the dollar store, jiffy seed mix, and another potting mix i had that was darker and richer looking than the other...had an over watering problem at first but once i got the hang of knowing when to water everything went great...had some stretching issues at first as well....over all though i think i got great results for having no experience growin anything other than fungus....ill post up a pic of the final result on that one one day soon...BTW do you guys use tor or anything like that...thanks again

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Cool bro, I try to buy from Home Depot/Lowes as often as I can. I've purchased lots of insecticides, fungicides, disease control, garden tools, ... there, and over time noticed that they actually carry some good nutrient products. While I haven't tried what you have, I have seen it, but would recommend keeping an eye out for the ALASKA nutrient products that both of those stores should carry. Alaska has an all organic Fish Emulsion for about $10/gal @ 5-1-1. The high nitrogen content is great when your plants are in veg or in flower in smaller doses at those times when you are trying to maintain that lush green before your flush. I also started recently using their flowering product, Morbloom. It was a bit pricier but still so cheap compared to other products, for about $12/gal @ 0-10-10. This stuff isn't completely organic, but close, and the synthetics in it are kinda nice cuz at this point my plants are eating so much they kinda need the more readily available nutrients, and then there's still some organic to slow release and keep the soil fertile between feeds. A gallon of similar products at a hydro shop would cost you $30-40 or more, so it's nice that those stores carry such affordable alternative options. I also have to credit Miracle Grow for coming out with some organic products. I'd never recommend their synthetics to be used with cannabis, but have actually had great success laying out some of their organic blood meal & bone meal granules. Lilly Miller carries a larger bag of bone meal if you want larger quantity and the content is basically the same at around 6-12-0. I also grabbed Lilly Miller's Vitamin B1 Root Starter formula. A gallon of it was only like $6. I looked at the content, and it's a very potent solution of some really good micronutrients & B vitamin. You get Vitamin B1, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Cobalt, Zinc, Boron, ... which you will find are not present in a lot of other formulas, but are vital to proper plant growth if you want to reach anywhere near your full potential. So def keep an eye out for some of this stuff if you want to add to your nute closet, and regardless of what you buy in the future, make sure to always check the labels and know the strength & contents of what you are looking at before you purchase. A lot of labels can be fancy & deceiving, when a plainer looking bottle right next to it can have the same content, if not more, for a much cheaper price. I've seen it many times now.

Hope all this helps!