

Well-Known Member
from what i read in the forum here it is good stuff.. sometimes can dye the roots a bit brown, but good stuff,,


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
GH in DWC? I don't see why not.. The only thing I can tell is organics suck in DWC. It's a lot more work/worry.

Any liquid/hydro based nute series will work, it's all personal preference. Some people will say GH sucks, but I was thinking about going to Flora myself.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Is general hydroponics products any good
GH nutes are the only one I have used so far...with good results ...I have just one WARNING....and that is I will never use FLORA SHIELD ever again..It almost killed my crop...

My plants were about 4 weeks into the veg cycle and I dicided to try FLORA SHIELD...the chart says to add 37.5ml per gallon which is seemed like I tryed a little over half of what the chart said to use...and one hour later I looked in the tent and the leafs were droopy and the limbs were limp like they were I pumped everything out and flushed with just water..then a few hours later they came back to life...that was a close call...everything ended all right...

here is a pic of the chart that I use...I use everything but the foliar spray and the flora shield...



Active Member
GH is the industry standard and is what NASA uses in it's hydroponic gardens. That being said Advanced Nutrients easily trumps GH. It is made specifically for marijuana, so why use anything else?


Active Member
It depends on what products you use. I use grow, micro, bloom, voodoo juice, bud candy, kushie kush, and finish with overdrive with fantastic results. One thing I do that probably no one else does is I use floralicious plus from GH along with all my AN nutes, it is a great product that works good. . . . But as far as a side by side using just the base nutrients gh's 3 part base doesnt even compare to AN's grow, micro, bloom. That is why AN created jungle juice..... it is an exact copy of gh grow, micro, bloom for half the price... but it is still inferior to AN's real grow, micro, bloom.


Active Member
GH is a company with a few different products some of which are good and some not-so-good to outright crap. I use the Flora series and I like the results. I can tailor the mixture of the three part formula to achieve any nutrient profile (N-P-K) I want and it's very cost efficient. They also have a few additives, KoolBloom in particular, that show appreciable results when used at the proper time and in the proper manner. I'm not a "master grower" or anything like that but I've gotten damn good results with just those four products, CAL MAG + and dry pH UP.


Well-Known Member
GH is the industry standard and is what NASA uses in it's hydroponic gardens. That being said Advanced Nutrients easily trumps GH. It is made specifically for marijuana, so why use anything else?

GH has been around for 30 plus years its a good brand. However Advanced Nutrients was pretty much designed for cannabis cultivation.


Well-Known Member
I may try the flora series in a future grow, but right now I'm on the advanced nutrients bandwagon
I dont even use it but I have to admit its good stuff. Yes it's over priced but at the end of the day it was specifically designed to cultivate cannabis.


Active Member
Not trying to start a flame war, just providing some info.... That being said, AN and GH do not differ in composition. They only differ in price. The 16 essential's are the 16 essentials, as long as they are in their respective available forms. Being "made for cannabis" is flat out bull shit. Their ratio's may be optimized for cannabis, but they are the exact same chemically. Chemistry is chemistry, and cannot be fooled, as long as the nutrients are in their available forms, they must be the exact same chemical compounds. As to which is better, is a loaded question. A grower who knows what ratio's and what specific nutrients are needed at any given time, will see the exact same results from ANY chemical ferts, because they will adjust the ratios of nutes to the plants current needs. That does not mean however, that AN automatically and without fail does it for you. I've used AN 3 part, and I found that the pH is absoultely unstable in my system, the GH is ROCK solid.

IMO: after doing many hours of research, and reading/watching everything I could an AN, I have concluded that I would rather not give my money to company who prey's on the ignorance of their clients. But this does not mean you cant get amazing results out of their products. But it does mean your wallet will be much lighter than if you just use the much cheaper and more well respected GH products.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this only holds true in sterile hydro/soilless systems. It becomes much more contingent on biological life in soil systems.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to start a flame war, just providing some info.... That being said, AN and GH do not differ in composition. They only differ in price. The 16 essential's are the 16 essentials, as long as they are in their respective available forms. Being "made for cannabis" is flat out bull shit. Their ratio's may be optimized for cannabis, but they are the exact same chemically. Chemistry is chemistry, and cannot be fooled, as long as the nutrients are in their available forms, they must be the exact same chemical compounds. As to which is better, is a loaded question. A grower who knows what ratio's and what specific nutrients are needed at any given time, will see the exact same results from ANY chemical ferts, because they will adjust the ratios of nutes to the plants current needs. That does not mean however, that AN automatically and without fail does it for you. I've used AN 3 part, and I found that the pH is absoultely unstable in my system, the GH is ROCK solid.

IMO: after doing many hours of research, and reading/watching everything I could an AN, I have concluded that I would rather not give my money to company who prey's on the ignorance of their clients. But this does not mean you cant get amazing results out of their products. But it does mean your wallet will be much lighter than if you just use the much cheaper and more well respected GH products.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this only holds true in sterile hydro/soilless systems. It becomes much more contingent on biological life in soil systems.
The Sensi A & B by Advanced is solid on point with PH you dont need to do much else.. I was a big fan of GH nutes for a while. I dont know where you wrote it but yeah if you arent into adjusting the ratio of nutes then I would highly recommend Advanced. He is right though you can use any nute powder or liquid if you understand ratios. If your lazy and just like following nutrient calculators then I would use Advanced.


Active Member
Not trying to start a flame war, just providing some info.... That being said, AN and GH do not differ in composition. They only differ in price. The 16 essential's are the 16 essentials, as long as they are in their respective available forms. Being "made for cannabis" is flat out bull shit. Their ratio's may be optimized for cannabis, but they are the exact same chemically. Chemistry is chemistry, and cannot be fooled, as long as the nutrients are in their available forms, they must be the exact same chemical compounds. As to which is better, is a loaded question. A grower who knows what ratio's and what specific nutrients are needed at any given time, will see the exact same results from ANY chemical ferts, because they will adjust the ratios of nutes to the plants current needs. That does not mean however, that AN automatically and without fail does it for you. I've used AN 3 part, and I found that the pH is absoultely unstable in my system, the GH is ROCK solid.

IMO: after doing many hours of research, and reading/watching everything I could an AN, I have concluded that I would rather not give my money to company who prey's on the ignorance of their clients. But this does not mean you cant get amazing results out of their products. But it does mean your wallet will be much lighter than if you just use the much cheaper and more well respected GH products.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this only holds true in sterile hydro/soilless systems. It becomes much more contingent on biological life in soil systems.
Do some research. GH grow micro and bloom are identical to AN's jungle juice grow micro bloom, except AN is cheaper. AN's regular grow, micro, bloom blow GH's out of the water when compared head to head....

Both are top of the line but GH is clearly inferior.