Ghetto Box Help


What's the bare minimum you would need to grow one or two plants. In terms of CFL Lights ventilation etc. Could you use a cardboard box? Also, how do you move the lights up and down?

PS. Sorry to be the next dumb fucker to ask this type of question


Well-Known Member
some cfls bro. my first grow was in a bathtub in a extra bathrrom i had. started with 2 cfls and by the end of the grow i had about 10. cfls, and a oscilating fan. these 2 things are pretty much ti to start you out. ofcoarse get a good soil, with
time released fertilizers, mix that with some perlite. and when the first leaves start turning yellow(the baby leaves, not the first set of mj leaves) start giving them nutes, very weak solution tho. just to start off. a


Thanks lads. How was the cardboard box Rusty? Would you go down that route again? Would 2x 23watt cfl bulbs be enough for 1 plant? Would it need fans or would it be ok just to have a hole in the box?


Well-Known Member
Thanks lads. How was the cardboard box Rusty? Would you go down that route again? Would 2x 23watt cfl bulbs be enough for 1 plant? Would it need fans or would it be ok just to have a hole in the box?
your going to NEED a fan.

i wouldnt do the cardboard box as its really obvious, so why do it?

get a oscillating, the fans that move back and forth and set that bitch on low.

a fan will:
keep temperature in check.
help establish thicker stems, thecker stems= heavier buds
provide fresh air, as pot plants will consume the co2 in their area and need fresh air, so keep the fan running.
help prevent mold. with a fan going, its harder for mold to ruin your shit.

spend the money, its less than 20$ for a decent fan. get one.


Cheers gfreeman. Will Google the oscillating fan. I was thinking of setting up a box, will use some kind of old tea chest i think. Putting the box in the garage with somthing on top of it like old suitcases or somthing. The thing is, people will be going in and out of the garage. WIll you a) hear the fan? and b) smell the plants?

Also what seeds are good for small plants. I was thinking of doing 2 plants and going 12/12 on the light when they are about 8 inches high so they end up about 16 inches.

Cheers fella.


Well-Known Member
Cheers gfreeman. Will Google the oscillating fan. I was thinking of setting up a box, will use some kind of old tea chest i think. Putting the box in the garage with somthing on top of it like old suitcases or somthing. The thing is, people will be going in and out of the garage. WIll you a) hear the fan? and b) smell the plants?

Also what seeds are good for small plants. I was thinking of doing 2 plants and going 12/12 on the light when they are about 8 inches high so they end up about 16 inches.

Cheers fella.
well first off.

If you put your plants, with lights, in ANY type of box. there are going to be major heating issues. not enough to start a fire, per se, BUT enough to stunt growth or possibly kill your plants. SO when planning on a box, your going to have to invest ALOT to keep temperatures down. ESPECIALLY in a Garage. a garage is a BIG no,no. Unless you got the money to dish out for keeping the temps cool man.

Smell is going to be a problem, no matter where you put them. Not at first, but when they go into 12.12, they will begin to smell STRONGLY after a few weeks. my plants were in a spare bathroom. MY ENTIRE house smelled like weed. you opened my front door and the smell was thick. in a garage the smell would eminate outside, and cause security issues. YOur going to need to invest in a FAN/carbon filter set up, if you dont want anyone to smell it.

Try to start off as simple as possible. start off with just seeds sprouting in soil, your lights, and a fan. then add from there, because costs can add up quick and its best to tune in your grow set up, little bits at a time, that way if a setup dont work(like a chest, or cardboard box) you didnt invest too much time OR money into it.

Ive tried the smell enclosed area before and you'd need a couple computer fans, and a small clipon fan. to me its more difficult rolling that way. but to each there own.


Thanks gfreeman. I need to think harder about this. I'm fed up of paying £10 a gram but if it's going to smell that bad I wouldn't get away with it. Fuck weed being illegal. On a side note I know the people who grow it are taking a lot of risks but £10 a gram is well extortionate.


Well-Known Member
What's the bare minimum you would need to grow one or two plants. In terms of CFL Lights ventilation etc. Could you use a cardboard box? Also, how do you move the lights up and down?
Well, that's really the wrong question.

"How many lights for one plant?". . .that depends. You could probably grow a plant successfully in a coffee cup with just a 23 watt bulb to get a few grams, or in a 55 gallon drum, using a 1000 watt HPS to get over a pound.

The smallest grow I've ever personally witnessed was in soil within a 2-foot high speaker cabinet with literally one 15 watt tube and one 23 watt compact fluorescent lamp for 38 watts total. It was pretty cool. The grower left the speaker wired, lightproofed it, and it was actually fully functional with the plant growing inside!

Yield was tiny, but certainly enough to prove it "can" be done. Case was ventilated with a fan. Instead of the grower moving the lights, he moved the PLANT up and down by putting it on books. Remember, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

I've seen a number of highly successful grows under nothing more than a 70 watt HPS security lamp.

Can you grow in a cardboard box? Definitely yes.
Should you? Probably not.

Again, a cardboard box isn't very strong, and its hard to get a good light mount in one. Cardboard is flammable, not good around hot lights. Cardboard also rots easily if wet, another potential issue around plants you're going to water. So while possible, there are probably better ways to go about this. Consider a book shelf, file cabinet, custom built box, cheap plastic box, computer case, suitcase (!), etc.

I think the better way to go about this is first you decide how much space you are able/willing to devote to growing, and then what your budget is.

Once you have those two things in mind, then you can decide what kind of setup you need to optimize your space and budget.

So the real question isn't how many lights per plant, its how many watts you'll need per square foot of space you're trying to fill up with plants


Well-Known Member
Its not "extortionate". . .nobody is forcing you to buy at that price. . .its just expensive!

If you think what you are buying isn't priced competitively, you can always take your business elsewhere, assuming you can locate another source. If you haven't shopped around, how do you know your price is too high? Maybe you're getting a bargain for your area!

I suspect your weed is so expensive are because:

a. Its illegal, adding considerably to the risk and cost of growing it, driving up the market value, and
b. You're buying in such small quantity.

If you want cheap weed, then either buy it somewhere its legal (Amsterdam is only about a 6 hour drive by car from London), or buy it in larger quantity (a kilo will cost less per gram than just one gram).


Well-Known Member
Its not "extortionate". . .nobody is forcing you to buy at that price. . .its just expensive!

If you think what you are buying isn't priced competitively, you can always take your business elsewhere, assuming you can locate another source. If you haven't shopped around, how do you know your price is too high? Maybe you're getting a bargain for your area!

I suspect your weed is so expensive are because:

a. Its illegal, adding considerably to the risk and cost of growing it, driving up the market value, and
b. You're buying in such small quantity.

If you want cheap weed, then either buy it somewhere its legal (Amsterdam is only about a 6 hour drive by car from London), or buy it in larger quantity (a kilo will cost less per gram than just one gram).
before i ask you this question, i want you to know that im an american whos never been to europe.

You can drive from london to amsterdam? i thought the uk was an island.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of setting up a box, will use some kind of old tea chest i think. Putting the box in the garage with somthing on top of it like old suitcases or somthing. The thing is, people will be going in and out of the garage. WIll you a) hear the fan? and b) smell the plants?

Also what seeds are good for small plants. I was thinking of doing 2 plants and going 12/12 on the light when they are about 8 inches high so they end up about 16 inches.

Cheers fella.
I don't know what a "tea chest" is, but you'll probably have a tough time getting a good grow in something less than 50cm tall. Don't forget that you'll have at least one wire (and possibly more than one) sticking out of your growing chamber.

Its up to the quality of your design as to whether or not people will hear your fan, but yes, its definitely possible for a fan to be heard.

Smell is most definitely an issue, especially when the plants are in full flowering mode, near the end of the grow. Remember marijuana is a FLOWER. Not only does it give off a pungent and fairly distinct scent when growing, but the better strains often give off especially strong scents. There are ways to control scent, but it will take some doing.

Growing in a high-traffic area is probably not a good idea in any case, and its doubly a bad idea unless you have very good systems in place to control stray light, noise, and scent any of which could give you away. In an unheated garage, temperature will also potentially be difficult to regulate. If the plants are too hot or too cold, they won't grow well.

I don't think any of this squares with your idea of a "ghetto grow", by which I assume you mean something very easy and inexpensive.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don't know why, but I assumed you were English. My mistake.

Round trip ticket to Amsterdam from the USA is definitely doable, though I think its going to cost you more than paying $10 a gram for weed!

To answer your question, the United Kingdom is actually comprised of two separate islands, one of which is Great Britain.

Regardless, yes, you CAN drive from England to Holland. England is on an island, but now they have the "Chunnel" which is an underwater tunnel that runs under the English Channel and connects England to Calais, France. Once you get to Calais, you can drive North, through Belgium (which is a tiny country) and then right into Holland.

You can also fly direct from London to Amsterdam, take a ferry, or even take a train, though you'll have to switch trains in Brussels.


Well, that's really the wrong question.

"How many lights for one plant?". . .that depends. You could probably grow a plant successfully in a coffee cup with just a 23 watt bulb to get a few grams, or in a 55 gallon drum, using a 1000 watt HPS to get over a pound.

The smallest grow I've ever personally witnessed was in soil within a 2-foot high speaker cabinet with literally one 15 watt tube and one 23 watt compact fluorescent lamp for 38 watts total. It was pretty cool. The grower left the speaker wired, lightproofed it, and it was actually fully functional with the plant growing inside!

Yield was tiny, but certainly enough to prove it "can" be done. Case was ventilated with a fan. Instead of the grower moving the lights, he moved the PLANT up and down by putting it on books. Remember, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

I've seen a number of highly successful grows under nothing more than a 70 watt HPS security lamp.

Can you grow in a cardboard box? Definitely yes.
Should you? Probably not.

Again, a cardboard box isn't very strong, and its hard to get a good light mount in one. Cardboard is flammable, not good around hot lights. Cardboard also rots easily if wet, another potential issue around plants you're going to water. So while possible, there are probably better ways to go about this. Consider a book shelf, file cabinet, custom built box, cheap plastic box, computer case, suitcase (!), etc.

I think the better way to go about this is first you decide how much space you are able/willing to devote to growing, and then what your budget is.

Once you have those two things in mind, then you can decide what kind of setup you need to optimize your space and budget.

So the real question isn't how many lights per plant, its how many watts you'll need per square foot of space you're trying to fill up with plants
Thanks man. I understand. I was looking at LED grows and the low heat appealed to me but the lights are more than I can afford so I think if I do try this it's gonna be the CFL route. TBH though the whole smell thing makes it difficult because I aint workin so I can't aford the carbon filter/fan combo and all the lights.

If I just grew a single plant and kept it 1.5 ft would that still stink the place out?


Sorry, I don't know why, but I assumed you were English. My mistake.

Round trip ticket to Amsterdam from the USA is definitely doable, though I think its going to cost you more than paying $10 a gram for weed!

To answer your question, the United Kingdom is actually comprised of two separate islands, one of which is Great Britain.

Regardless, yes, you CAN drive from England to Holland. England is on an island, but now they have the "Chunnel" which is an underwater tunnel that runs under the English Channel and connects England to Calais, France. Once you get to Calais, you can drive North, through Belgium (which is a tiny country) and then right into Holland.

You can also fly direct from London to Amsterdam, take a ferry, or even take a train, though you'll have to switch trains in Brussels.
Yes I am a Brit. Amsterdam now there's a thought. I went through Belgium once by train on the way to Denmark and the customs was almost non existent. How much is weed in Da Dam?


Active Member
Try the cardboard box man it works well. Check out my cardboard box grow in my sig below. Also you should check out the autos that ConcordDawn just finished in his cardboard uhal wardrobe box (fucking impressive). Good luck and stay high.


Agreed. The market dictates. It is a rip off though but there's no easy alternative. I have 2 choices really. Grow some or stop smoking. Mind you, I have 3. The third being Amsterdam. Always just thought of the place as a weekend away. Do you think other people go over by train and score?

Its not "extortionate". . .nobody is forcing you to buy at that price. . .its just expensive!

If you think what you are buying isn't priced competitively, you can always take your business elsewhere, assuming you can locate another source. If you haven't shopped around, how do you know your price is too high? Maybe you're getting a bargain for your area!

I suspect your weed is so expensive are because:

a. Its illegal, adding considerably to the risk and cost of growing it, driving up the market value, and
b. You're buying in such small quantity.

If you want cheap weed, then either buy it somewhere its legal (Amsterdam is only about a 6 hour drive by car from London), or buy it in larger quantity (a kilo will cost less per gram than just one gram).