ghetto cloning


so ive tried cloning my plants a few times, always unsuccesful.
i dont have a cloning machine or anything like that,
all ive been doing is cutting off a piece approx 6", (not from the top) trimming excess leaves, splitting the bottom of the stem , dipping in my rooting solution for a min or so, (rootbooster) planting in soil, (cheap soil which my plants are growing in. obviously fresh tho) and ive tried different amounts of water, different times. most recent time hardly any water, first time lots, and same with light/sunlight

ive even put a cut off waterbottle upside down over the top with a few holes to keep humidity up!

the always completely die slowly over about 2 weeks.

where am i going wrong? i know you can do ghetto cloning operations. !


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people splitting but I've had much more success with scarring the stem, not splitting it. Just shave off some of the skin or whatever it's called (bark? fuck idk).

The soil is probably fucking you up, too. You may have better luck just doing it in some water with cloning some clonining solution mixed in (I've had success with that). But What I use and really like are the pellets, but not the jiffy pellet brand, they're shit, the ones I have are coco, not peat (i have both but I don't like the peat ones, or, whatever it is, i think it's peat, peat pellet?).

You want to mist them a few times a day (especially the first couple days), and make sure if you have them in a "dome" you exchange the air a few times a day, as well.


Active Member
ive even put a cut off waterbottle upside down over the top with a few holes to keep humidity up!

the always completely die slowly over about 2 weeks.

where am i going wrong? i know you can do ghetto cloning operations. !
I went thru the same thing, I just gave up for now until I get another tent for veg and clones, I cant keep them under the light more than 12 hours but I did have one success that thinks its in flower becuz I was just experimenting and left it in the tent 12/12 lol. Get a clear ice bin, they are perfect and tall, flip it on top of your clones and keep under light 24/0 t5's and cfls are good for clones until they root and like Billybob said mist it and exchange air, Happy growing :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i made my aero cloner for less that $30 USD
i have a link in my thread somewhere within the last 2 months

all great advice , my tidbit i would add is that if using the soil/ pellets put them in tray and put like 1/8 inch in the bottom once that has evaporated then just add more water.. wet/dry/wet/dry, the high umidity keeps the plant sustained cause it can still take up water thats in the air. without wilting and dying cause it has no roots too feed.

with my ghetto/bucket aerocloner its set and forget... no misting no dome .... NOTHIING. cut-dip- wait for roots and i have the roots in 10 days.


Well-Known Member
6" clone? Yeah, I suppose. I take clones that are all sorts of sizes (cutting clones whilst high).

If you're gonna use the water method you're gonna wanna have, about 1.5" (no less I'd say), of the stem under water. Keep in mind, the water is gonna evaporate so you're gonna need to replenish it.

But... as far as size, I would say 6" is good, I use alittle smaller ones, but I've heard some people say they prefer larger clones.


Active Member
You may have better luck just doing it in some water with cloning some clonining solution mixed in (I've had success with that)
How would rooting gel work with this? thats all I have.. Should I dilute it into the water shake and stir type of thing ?


Active Member
6" clone? Yeah, I suppose. I take clones that are all sorts of sizes (cutting clones whilst high).

If you're gonna use the water method you're gonna wanna have, about 1.5" (no less I'd say), of the stem under water. Keep in mind, the water is gonna evaporate so you're gonna need to replenish it.

But... as far as size, I would say 6" is good, I use alittle smaller ones, but I've heard some people say they prefer larger clones.
Do you cover this or leave it under light?


Well-Known Member
<<<is a ghetto cloning expert, no rooting gel ever, just HOT tap water right after you cut and score, it's absorbed up the stalk, 100% for the past 3 rounds :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
How would rooting gel work with this? thats all I have.. Should I dilute it into the water shake and stir type of thing ?
I've never handled rooting gel, but I imagine it's water soluble so you can just mix it with the water.

Do you cover this or leave it under light?
I keep mine in a little cheap plastic "greenhouse" thing, it was around $3. I also keep mine right under my t5 lights, about 3 inches away. I've heard people say they don't need light and even that direct light isn't good for them, but I keep my light on 24/0 and they do fine.


thanks all.. good shit.

im gonna try straight up water, mixed with the root solution .. if anyone knows what to do after water part is succesful? when to plant in soil? etc?


Well-Known Member
I use solo cups dil 6 1/4 holes in the bottom. Fill with soil. Cut the clone. Scar the bottom 1/2 inch and dip in gel for 15 sec. Pull them out trim leaves then place in soil to the lowest stems. Gently water till it starts to drip. Place under some kind of a dome. Water about 5-7 days later but misting dome every few hours of light. After 2 weeks dome comes off and a week after that ready for 1 gallon pots. Have a 99.9% turn out so far.


Well-Known Member
I use jiffy pellets and have taken roughly 50 or so cuttings with them, 100% success thus far.

I micro grow, so I take my clones at 2-3". Cut at the node, slice to a 45* angle and score end underwater, dip in cloning POWDER then plant in the pellet. I don't pH anything. Foliar feed often, hand water when dry. Keep them in an air tight container and burp it daily.


Well-Known Member
It takes some pratice but youll get it sooner or later. My first round of clones died too but now for every batch of 10 clones i probably have one or less die. Make sure you cut the stem at a angle like they do with roses at the flower shop. I dont split the stem but gently take off the outter skin with a pair of scissors near the cut. Also some strains clone easier then others. I dont water it too much because until it throws out roots it wont be absorbing much water, so over wayering can kill em or you might get stuff growing in your soil like algae or mold.
Building a little bubbler to clone in is not a bad idea and you can do it for around 20-30 bucks. Ive cloned in a diy bubbler and didnt need to use rooting hormones but it takes a little longer


thannks for all the input i have them in water now, im gonna see how that works. ill post my progress. if that doesnt work, ill try some of these other great ideas. thanks all