Ghetto DWC SCROG grow box

IMAG0836.jpgIMAG0835.jpgIMAG0832.jpgIMAG0829.jpgIMAG0825.jpgMy new tent is up and running! I got a 3x3 tent with an xtra sun mondo 6" air cooled hood, it puts out a perfect 3x3 square of light that works great in this tent. I also put a 6" active air inline fan by hydrofarm on a speed controller to exhaust the tent. I haven't had to set it any higher than low and the tent stays at 78 with plenty of air circulation. I put an 8" duct booster cooling my light thats also working well. She is already getting frosty and is putting on flower weight every day now. Im using beastie bloomz this week for my flowering booster with some cal mag and carbo load and FF trio as my base. Im also adding a cup of microbe tea every 3 days. The roots are nice and white with explosive growth, almost filling the whole bucket. Stretch has stopped and she is now in full flower phase. She is drinking so much water that i have to top off every day. Im looking forward to some phatties on this girl! :weed:
The tent has arrived! :) How does she like the temps? That's gotta be a pleasant weight off the shoulders.
Yea!! Temps are actually easilly kept below 80 with the inline fan, and that's with the thing turned all the way down! I do have an a/c running on a thermostat though. I keep my res at 68 all the time too. I might try and throw a 600 watt in there and see what happens.
Shes getting nice and ripe! I left town for a week and had my lovley wife taking care of her. She did great with topping off and the ph but the ppms were at 1600 when i got home! A lot of the leaves were burnt when i got home but a flush and nutrient adjustment has her right back on track :wall:IMAG0979.jpgIMAG0978.jpgIMAG0975.jpgIMAG0935.jpgIMAG0938.jpgIMAG0933.jpg