Ghetto Grow from Hell


Active Member
I hear what you're saying about being paranoid, but you don't necessarily need to limit yourself to bag seed on account of that. is the anonymous mail-order site for Nirvana seeds. Prints out a form and gives you an mailing address. $1 for an airmail stamp, $25-40 for the seeds, and your golden. Of course, mailing cash is an act of faith (and you need to be careful to hide it in camoflage paper inside the envelop so it don't get stolen), but from personal experience, it works! Got my Wonder Woman seeds in 3 weeks and change, and they're growing awesome. I've done bagseed grows before, but I will never do one again.
Thanks for the tip ... i'm gonna look into this for sure ! rep+ for the info :


Active Member
I hear what you're saying about being paranoid, but you don't necessarily need to limit yourself to bag seed on account of that. is the anonymous mail-order site for Nirvana seeds. Prints out a form and gives you an mailing address. $1 for an airmail stamp, $25-40 for the seeds, and your golden. Of course, mailing cash is an act of faith (and you need to be careful to hide it in camoflage paper inside the envelop so it don't get stolen), but from personal experience, it works! Got my Wonder Woman seeds in 3 weeks and change, and they're growing awesome. I've done bagseed grows before, but I will never do one again.
thanx for the tip ! rep+ for the info:

allen bud

Active Member
My only tip would be to get bigger bulbs!!!!DSCF1203.jpg1 plant in my cfl grow.not as ghetto as it used to be ,i bought 1 200 w grow bulb,and others from home depot,as for buying seeds i know that attitude will prosses order then destroys all info !and shreds order sheet!any way good grow and +rep for cfl....and the good tips!


On the more positive light I am glad to see somebody exert themselves to grow their own bud with the resources that they have available, and of course it's great because you seem to enjoy your finished product.

Now, not to burst your ghetto grow bubble but if you think what you have going on now is satisfactory I can assure you that there is much above and beyond, yet still within reach. That is to say that on the one hand you really don'thave to spend thousands of dollars on equipment to grow an excellent crop of prime cannabis; but if you'd venture outside of a walmart and spend just a tad more upfront for better gear it will most certainly requite you twenty-fold in due time and forever after.

Paranoia as a justification for refusing to buy real grow gear is ridiculously moot. The paranoia itself is virtually the only thing that is going to fuel any suspicion over purchasing any of the perfectly legal products people use in the grow room (lights included).

Even so, don't feel bad for anybody who has spent over $500 on their grow room. You have to realize a couple things about them: the first is that they probably feel just as much sympathy for you. And secondly they're yielding much more cannabis, and it's more than likely of better quality.

The main problem with this that I see is that low-watt CFL's just plain aren't as efficient as real grow lighting. You may think you are saving yourself some money, but just how many 26 watt bulbs are you using? Seven per tote... and multiple totes, correct?
Well, between two totes and 14 x 26 watt CFLs that would be over 364 watts. Factor in a third tote with seven more bulbs and you're burning more than 546 watts; to yield less than a single 250 watt HID would. It's like using twice the power to get half the yield.
I am saying this to encourage you to at least consider getting a real lighting system, HID or at least high output fluorescent tubes. If this doesn't phase you carry on and enjoy but I do hope you'll consider this.


RIU Bulldog
You need to expand your mind brotha, what your lacking is real info.
The only way to pull decent yield off a cfl is scrog scrog scrog!! Learn it. Live it. It was made for low wattage grows.
Secondly, you can order stuff from a horticultural website with no suspicion at all, you know that people use hydroponics for other things besides weed right? Like the Mormons for example are big into hydroponic foodstuffs gardening (those hypocritical bastards are probably growing some dank too i bet) so I'm gonna guess that your either a lot younger than you claim to be, you live with your parents, or you don't have a job....or all of them.
T5's ARE sold at homedepot. You dont know that cause you prbaby don't know what t5's are. If you did you'd know that they're more efficient than low output cfl's and you could make your own for like $30. I know $30 is a lot of money to you so your gonna have to get a job..ok?

Like ^ said, props on growing anything at all, just don't be a dick about it.


Active Member
in all truth you are both right ... I have really been rethinking this ghetto thing lately . Looking into going better . ...but I am of age , do have a job ... it was more about being afraid to order anything online . I'm pretty rural and there are no growshops within a hundred miles at least ... I do own my own home or I wouldnt even consider growing btw . The ghetto was a good start to learn from and get me some bud that I didnt have to go buy .. it did that .. but now it is time to upgrade for sure . Beansly - I really wasnt aware I being a dick about it - but if you felt that way - maby I was just being a dick to you ?? .. you kinda put me to mind of someone who would probally deserve it ... but hey who knows , Ill give you the benifit of the doubt .

Nullis - I think your probally right on the money , I think I would do much better with a good hps on the flowering side and use the cfl's for my lamps around the house . I am looking at the T5's for the veg. area ( even before Beansly mentioned it .... ) I got some good info from an ealier post about getting some good genetics from Nirvana without a credit card or money order .. still a little nervous .... but getting braver . I narrowed it down to 10 white widow ( reg ) and 10 wonder woman ( reg ) at 29.52 for ea. set of ten . Hopefully that will give me plenty of mommas to grow from . I have spotted a good looking setup at HTG for a 400w hps , expandible hood , and ballast at a pretty fair price . I hope to have something better than the ghetto totes to post in a bit ... stay tuned

allen bud

Active Member
I to would go MH and hps but i would not be able to control the heat.You can get bigger yeild by scrog or sog ..but I top then LST for multi tops.And bigger watt GROW bulbs, my bulbs are from 200 to 300 watt bulbs(60 to 63 acctual watts each),made for growing ,you can put them inch's from plant as opposed to hps where you whould need to use cool tube to get that close,but youd have some thick buds!In other word my grow room is only 3' high so not alot of verticle room.So i guess iam saying i use cfl because i have to . But now ive got it dialed in I can get about 2 zip from 1 plant ..I know you cant compare to hps but if you got the same problems as me you lean to adjust ..and grow and with nirvanna or ATTITUDE you can use those gift card credit cards i beleive !


Active Member
nice ... hadnt though about the giftcards ... thnx for the info: I just made a john doe order from nirvana for 20 seeds but I'm sure I'll want more in the future .. good info:

allen bud

Active Member
no problem ,.Might start going that way myself ,work like visa card has numbers and stuff(lol) and i saw it as payment method on attitude or nirvana ,and payment option was "gift cards"??Iam think like j.c. penny or walmart or resturant i saw on display at convenient store visa gift cards and i say to myself...OOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!lmao at this point ,And girl behind counter says "Whats So funny!"so i say "I can buy shit with this!"(not wanting to tell her the truth)She says "yea buddy you sure can"and start laughing more (smoking hawiian haze at the time)she says "your wacko"So i say "yea yup ..Iam !"and left her shaking her head .! it was a stonner moment !
EDIT.just found this just fyi or if peeps think iam nuts !lol
What payment do you accept: We accept, Credit cards, postal orders, international money orders, cheques, prepaid visa cards, and cash​

Can I pay with Gift Card / Multiple gift cards: Yes, you can email us the details and we will process that for you: with the card type, card number, expiry date, amount available on each card and security code, please ensure that it is a gift card activated for international use and also that it has been registered.


* Credit Card
We accept Visa and MasterCards. Paying by credit card is the quickest method of payment. It is also very safe, as all payments go through a Secure Payment Gateway (SSL). On your credit card statement, your payment will be discreetly listed under a safe, non-cannabis related name. Gift cards or pre-paid cards issued by Visa or MasterCard may also work, but please drop us a line if you experience issues paying with these. Note that it has to be a CREDIT card, debit cards (such as Visa Electron) will not work as we cannot take debit card payments. Also make sure you have a card that allows international payments to be made! Your payment will be discreetly listed under "
" or "
" on your credit card statement.



Active Member
nice ... you have obviously done your homework . This is gonna be good ... I just never thiught about giftcards . Thanks again for the good info:


Active Member
well its official ... done with the ghetto grow - it was a good learning exp. but evolution must not be siderailed : ) Last tote harvested and almost ready to cure ... gonna take some time out and gather supplies for a bit . Thanks for all the tips and suggestions everyone .... till next round



Active Member
Shit we all started off like this no sense in spending crazy amount of cash if it’s something your not going to continue. Cheers

bill johnson

Just seems weird to me that you would be too paranoid to order seeds or go to hydroponics store, yet you'd announce online on a public board that you and your friend (who you've also disclosed) are growing weed. I mean if you were truly paranoid you wouldn't join an online grow forum.
so true...sounds like a ordering seeds to a po box...but I will post a grow journal.....hmm...not to smart


Active Member
so true...sounds like a ordering seeds to a po box...but I will post a grow journal.....hmm...not to smart
yep ... noobie me ... just not to damned smart ..... i'd love to see those fine assed buds your producing though ... maby some pics of your awsome setup would really just drive it home about what a dumb noob I am
sitting here toking on my fresh buds.............................


Active Member
Damn, you have made me loose faith in my grow style:(
dont loose faith ... there is a lot to be said for ghetto growing . I learned a whole lot from my ghetto grows . I would not be anywhere near ready to move up If not for learning with bagseed and a cheap setup . Yea you catch a lot of shit for cheap grows but tbh .. I was smoking pretty good green outa my garden most of the time when I was reading the negative postings ... so take it all with a grain of salt .... and do your own thing - keeping in mind a good chunk of the trolls are buying what they burn and trashtalking your garden at the same time ......

allen bud

Active Member
Dont listen to nah sayers,every grow is a good grow if you learned from it,my first grow was behind a bass cabinet with 3 26 watt 2' floro tubes,ended up with 10 grams of premature budds but they were mine and i leaned alot and got lot of advice from peeps like Uncle Ben and others that never trash talk just offered better ideas ,Now my CFL grow (that peeps says you cant get no bud from!) are at least 55g,s per plant ,and this sleeskunk is looking like it could even be more ....So i say you have to grow to your means and conditions ..and you will prosper !!