Ghetto-GrowCab Shwag seed test =D


Active Member
(moving this to the grow journal)

Hello! real quick i need to explain a few things =D

First, the reason i started growing, is I'm most likely getting a medijuana card in the near future because of an accident i was in 4.5 months ago. (Stupid teenage girl totaled my Harley!!!) Yes I'm ok! but in pain constantly. Once the court case is over, ill be able to update my setup.
For those of you that are somewhat familiar with the laws in the US, certain states that allow medical use, don't always have dispensaries in operation (such as my state, Nevada) So ill need to grow my own for the future.

Now, im growing my babies in what i like to call my Ghetto-GrowCab. Its a cabinet on the bottom of a computer desk, like where you would put your tower =D. THe measurements are 2.5ft high x 1.5ft wide x 2.5ft deep.
Soil: Miracle grow 8-8-8
ligthing: 2 CFL's emitting 900 Lumens each( i know, i need to UP THIS SIGNIFICANTLY)
water: either room temp filtered or tap thats been sitting out for 24+ hrs.
ventilation: Im using a small 4" fan mounted on the back wall facing out of the grow cab, Working quite well actually.

Well the pictures pretty much tell the rest of the story as far as setup.

I dont know what strain/sex any of my plants are. To be honest, my seeds came from various sacks of stress/shwag. Hell, the main purpose of me growing them now is for me to see just how green my thumb actually is.

Believe me, once my court case is over, some definate revamping (plant and setup alike) is going to be happening.

So please, leave comments, questions, words of wisdom, suggestions, anything you feel i should know! im just lookin for input.

Thanks all!



Well-Known Member
plants are lookn good so far but you should try and seperate the plants into there own pots so they dont fight for space for roots and nutes. they will grow a lot better aswell


Active Member
Ok, so were nearly 2 weeks in now and theyre doing wonderfully!!!

Since I've started I updated my CFL's to 2 26w @ 1650 Lumens each.
I've added a second fan (as per advice from a number of different posters) for simulated wind, this in combination with the new CFL's has made a world of difference!!

anyway, here are the pictures!

Oh and the temp/humid pic is what the conditions are at pretty much the entire daylight period, I live in the desert, humidity is hard to come by bongsmilie


Active Member
plants are lookn good so far but you should try and seperate the plants into there own pots so they dont fight for space for roots and nutes. they will grow a lot better aswell

Ya ive since transplanted lol im just making a grow journal, trying to get all ive done moved over here =D

there are 2 pots now with multiple plants, one with 3 seedlings @ 4 days old; and the second pot has 2 13 day old plants in it. (i know i need to xplant one or the other lol, im outta pots!! few more days i can get another)


Well-Known Member
transplant into separate pots like stubs said. when you do bury them almost up to the club leafs. lower those lights to an inch above the seedlings so they dont stretch. ur using mg w/ the time released nute balls? thats ok but you dont need to add any nutes for a while(like 2-3 mo, wat ever it says on the package).
good luck with your ghetto grow. some things you might want to upgrade is them lights and some square pots to keep more pots in a small area


Active Member
transplant into separate pots like stubs said. when you do bury them almost up to the club leafs. lower those lights to an inch above the seedlings so they dont stretch. ur using mg w/ the time released nute balls? thats ok but you dont need to add any nutes for a while(like 2-3 mo, wat ever it says on the package).
good luck with your ghetto grow. some things you might want to upgrade is them lights and some square pots to keep more pots in a small area
yes im using mg with nute balls, seems to be working just fine for now.

Also as stated in my first post, im not expecting copious amounts of bud from this, its just to see if i can even grow on limited budget. (and i think im doin just dandy :bigjoint: )

My dealer/supplier minored in botany )... one of the things he told me that always stuck in my brain was, "K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid. The more variables you add, the more your possible margin of error grows" Heh, so i took what he said there and well, im utilizing it. He also told me to use Fox Farm, which i plan on switching to when i have the funds.

essentially, im just tryin to find my niche, see what things do/dont work for myself.


Active Member
haha, update time!!!

alright, were at 2 weeks!! im so proud! theyre so pretty!

*sigh* i know i need to separate a few of the plants i know i know i know i know. lol :lol: having no money sucks.. hopefully tomorrow i can take kaleo's advice and get some square pot action goin.

Anyway, here are the pics



Active Member
their looking good bon3z! what was the gear like that you saved the seeds from?


Active Member
their looking good bon3z! what was the gear like that you saved the seeds from?
thank you! im just not following your question, gear?

i got the seeds from different sacks of stress/shwag, had em saved for like 5 or 6 months.


Active Member
nice lookin plants man, whats the grow cab look like?
i have a pic up on the first post in the thread, its side ways, so its kinda hard to see. (i forgot to flip it before uploading.)

When the lights come on later today ill take a better picture.


edit: Thanks for the compliment man.


Active Member
lol, well i dont blame you if you giggle at this, cause i do every day just at the simplicity. I have a computer desk, and this desk has a space where you tower would normally go, thats where the plants are, the walls are covered in foil, and i sealed the back portion of the desk with small wood nails and a portion of a brand new moving box =D. cut a hole in the cardboard for the exhaust fan that runs 24/7, and a second fan just inside the door hanging from the top of the box circulating "wind" in the box. lol its so simple, but the plants are doing wonderfully!!! I'm a 23 yr. old grease monkey "American-muscle-headed" biker, bailing wire, a pair of vice grips and a mini torch can get me out of any situation (just about).

sorry, i ramble...

in short, im very resourceful, i approach creative issues/problems/builds with the mantra "the mother of invention is necessity". And keeping it simple is a good way to reach solutions to problems, both mechanical and organic =D


Well-Known Member
rite on man, thats pretty neat, but you should take that foil out of there, it will cause heat spots on ur plants, try to find mylar (even a space blanket works) and thats WAY better to use.


Active Member
rite on man, thats pretty neat, but you should take that foil out of there, it will cause heat spots on ur plants, try to find mylar (even a space blanket works) and thats WAY better to use.

Ya i gotta find Mylar.... only problem is my funds are extremely limited, so i only get a little bit at a time unfortunately...:wall:
but im gonna post some update pics! now! :shock:lol

edit: I LOVE Jim Breuer!!!!! His stand up is in my top 10 list =D


Active Member
Okie Dokie, i just got done w/ getting all of the plants into their own pots! :clap: so um ya, heres the status update pics!

Hopefully i can force flower soon (i know its not a "recommended" method, but ive got practically no space.), i need to weed out the males.

also i included a picture of the box from far away so you's could get a better looksy. :weed:

how they lookin?



Active Member
Ok, been a while since i updated.

Were at just before a month, theyre doing ok i think... i know that a few of them have a nitrogen deficiency. Unfortunately Im broke, and can not go get what i need. :cry:

My plant that's had the "dwarf/stunted growth" problem is doing beautifully!! And i'd also like to point out, on my 2 tallest, i successfully F.I.M.ed them both!

