Ghetto growin.


Active Member
my girlfriend bought me ten feminized seeds from dutch passion for my birthday in feb.i've never grown before and had been blabbing about how cool it sounded, so she kinda secretly ordered them for around 75 canadian bucks.

i ended up completely murdering my first two... like straight up DEAD yo! fuck! haha
since then i've read a ton of forums and watched some pretty cheesy online grow vids, and i am much more prepared fro the job this time around
straight up stealth closet, in a large rubber toy box... using 2 of the 1600 lumen cool white cfl's, and a single balasted 40 wat flouro for now.
i bought a 400 wat hps with ballast for 230$ on ebay, not the most inexpensive but fukkit, should be here in about two weeks id assume.

i have three new little bastards, one is 18 days old, one is 13 days old, and one is two days old (dont ask..)

Most pics are in my gallery for now. ill keep you updated with any problems n such.

p.s been lurkin your site for a fuckin while now hah :joint:

heres a few pics
18 daiz


Well-Known Member
They look stretched, but other than that they're looking good. Also, what do you plan on doing about ventilation when you start using the HPS?


Active Member
well currently i have a small fan feeding new air through a hole in the side of the bucket and i will be getting another one to act as an exhaust.

right now i am using 2 1600 lumen cfl's and a single balasted 40 wat flouro
and iv been lucky to have a HOT summer so far, so my plants enjoy there share of natural sunlight

until the hps gets here of course. i am planning on upgrading my ventilation though

thanks for the comments, hopefully they dont stretch anymore pce pce


Well-Known Member
is that going to cure his problem?

so hes got a pot full of stem and no room for roots?

it might well stop it looking as stretched but it wont stop it from happening any further :wall:


Well-Known Member
is that going to cure his problem?

so hes got a pot full of stem and no room for roots?

it might well stop it looking as stretched but it wont stop it from happening any further :wall:
lol ngt bussin heads!

(warning: advanced method)
what ive done in the past was:

take a razor and make small nicks on the stem just above the rootball,
put a lil rooting hormone on the nicks, filled the pot up to the first node w/soil waited a few days and..well i shouldnt have to tell u the rest, but it works

oh yeah and either get the lights closer or get a more intense light


Active Member
hmm so a transpalnt into a bigger pot would be the best thing im gathering.

and when i transplant i'll bury it deeper than here.
i musta fucked him up if he seems stretched, i'll still stick around n see what he can do.

my lights were a bit far probly five or six inches for the first week of veg, but the nodes have been growing pretty close together since i fixed the problem (in comparison with a friends mostly indica plants)

any comments or critisizm izz welcome. straightup
thanks for the help..


Active Member
kk hah

smart idea spittinforcash
so i just sterilize a razor and make sum little insiscions where i feel i want the root systems new start to be?

and i use rooting powder or gel (i have powder) and apply a coat and cover with soil over the spot

imma try it out i think.

good trick


Well-Known Member
I dont understand why though, the plant wont be any shorter, it will just look it.

Why the hell you gonna take a sharp blade to your plant and run the risk of fucking it up just so all the stem is in the pot. Weird


Active Member
hah kk i wont
i dont really think i should do anything much to them

i WILL however be running to grab sum bigger flouros
suggestions on a size/lumen/watt?

and a store to purchase maybe



Well-Known Member
dude...use that intake fan as an exhaust to clear out the hot air and use passive intake...(just a hole in a lower opposite side of your box) This will improve the sirflow. Looks good.