

Well-Known Member
I dont belive in ghosts.... but i've read alot about third eye and paranormal perception, and was curious is any one had experinced something maybe.


Well-Known Member
I would say our senses are definitely heightened. we are more sensative to pulses/signals/noises/and smells after tripping 100+ times.

This place is a ghost town because a flock of ego-maniacal losers - like micheal phelps and 10 other or so loser that claimed to have elevated to a higher level - where they dont need drugs anymore and wanted praise. unfortunately this is fucking and that behavior is not only not tolerated, but pushes away the true pot heads that understand its a way of life, and the kids who say theyre quitting only do so for 2 weeks until its offered to them, they are the week minded. we are the strong minded. they want apathy and attention - we just want to get high and shoot the shit.


Well-Known Member
there was a thread about ghosts just a week ago or so in this forum.. lol..

here is my ghost story copied from that post -
"i have schizophrenia so i hear and feel things that are often clearly not real, however i have often speculated that some of the voices that i hear are somehow ghosts. once i was sitting in my room, maybe getting baked, having done LSD a number of times recently, i felt an intense presence, it reminded me of how i felt prior to this as i painted my cheap computer speakers gold and thought to myself 'why am i doing this?' and my answer was 'it will be significant.' - back to the story - i felt as if the voices and messages in my head were culminating and i had the feeling that a very angry force was rising in another part of the world. before me was a map of the united states and my attention was drawn suddenly to new york city. i realized then that the united states would be attacked by some group of individuals within days. i knew immediately that it would be in the form of an airplane. i thought to myself what specific target they might be after and when i looked down at my shiny pair of square golden speakers i knew that the trade towers would be the target. i even wrote a little song about it on my synthesizer. that was the afternoon and evening of September, 01, 2001"


Active Member
if u wanna see a ghost Step 1. do way too much acid,ex, or what ever u like, Step 2 drive to a run down house that looks like murders happened in it then just chill in the basement Step 3. i should a put driving before the hallucinogens


Well-Known Member
my house where these things have happened to me is a very old home - it was built in maybe 1840 and used by generations as a farm house and now four generations of my family as a regular house.. it is an old victorian with a dirt basement..

one time i felt a bolt of ecstasy flow through me and i started laughing and almost crying i felt so good - i stood up and raised my hands and suddenly dozens of little like dandelion petals flew in through my door and surrounded me like snowflakes.... :)


Well-Known Member
When we were first married we used to drive down to virginia to visit my wife's brother and sister-in-law over Christmas. They lived on a horse farm several miles outside of Leesburg in the Middle of nowhere. There were two houses of non family members across the road and nothing else.
Leaving the main highway on the way to a Christmas Eve party, I saw a young man with messy hair and beard walking along the side of the road wearing a confederate cape; a full length grey woolen cape. Wife didn't see him.
We passed through the main town and out the other side. As we climbed the twisty road that led to the entrance of the horse farm, the headlights of the car fell upon a ghostly figure walking along the side of the road in the freshly fallen snow. He was tall, had long grey hair and beard, wearing a confederate cape and carrying a wooden staff. He looked like gandolf. Weird. He never looked at us, his eyes staring straight ahead. Wifey saw him as well, plain as day.
I described what I'd seen to my sis-in-law. No one in the area matched the old man's description and she had never seen anyone wearing a confederate cape. There's no doubt In my mind it was paranormal.
