GHS - BIG BANG grow journal


Active Member
Get this..
slightly confused as to what i just saw...
just went in the G.R to turn the ladys and while i was turning the lady on the right i noticed some little bananas! :neutral: the thing that confuses me is the fact that, yes these appear to be MALE flowers..But...they have yellowed and died, upon checking i have found quite alot of these little clusters of bananas lurking curiously underneath some of the buds right at the bottom of the plant (popcorn buds) but all are yellow and dead, i'm hoping that these will nbot pollinate my baby's..they must have been there for a while to have yellowed and died, myabe i got lucky?
what do you peeps reckon?


p.s. i'll take some pics later, got some visitors coming.. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Get this..
slightly confused as to what i just saw...
just went in the G.R to turn the ladys and while i was turning the lady on the right i noticed some little bananas! :neutral: the thing that confuses me is the fact that, yes these appear to be MALE flowers..But...they have yellowed and died, upon checking i have found quite alot of these little clusters of bananas lurking curiously underneath some of the buds right at the bottom of the plant (popcorn buds) but all are yellow and dead, i'm hoping that these will nbot pollinate my baby's..they must have been there for a while to have yellowed and died, myabe i got lucky?
what do you peeps reckon?


p.s. i'll take some pics later, got some visitors coming.. :lol:
Free feminized Big Bang seeds lol.
Seriously though,I've smoked some VERY good chronic that had seeds in it.I don't think it effects potency as much as most think.I don't have to tell you,your buds are covered with trichomes.
Hopefully there isn't too many seeds though.


Active Member
8weeks old today! :mrgreen:
So what ya reckon then? leave her up for her last week? i really don't wanna cut before she's flushed.. :neutral:
How could this of happened! :lol:
But yea, i still think it should be some good smoke, its a real damn shame...wanted some good ass sensimilia. :mrgreen:

i'll post some pics..('bananas' are only on some of the small lower buds at the bottom of the plant)...

Fed the girl on the left some nutes and i'm flushing the other tomorow.. i guess... :lol:





Active Member
Flushed the girl on the right today.. :mrgreen:
I removed all of the little dangly 'bananas' :lol:
they just fell off soon a i touched dem.. got a few pics.. not really many of em at all, the girl on the left is going well still.. ill update properly later, got some more visitors coming round!.. :eyesmoke:

I'm not to sure as what to do with the right hand girl, since flushing i haven't put her back into the tent yet..
i had a bloody good check for about half hour and i'm pretty sure i got all the 'bananas' that i could see, they buds freakin reek! really really strong smell, i can't wait to tuck in.. :bongsmilie:




Active Member
Day 57 since the switch.. :weed:
I've put the right hand girl back in the tent after another check for 'male bits' :lol:
I can't see any anywhere else on her and i've checked the left hand girl and she is still looking great, no signs of a hermie there... :mrgreen:
Its the final week for the right hand girl, i may even have to cut early, but, the GHS website says, they can be cut at 8weeks...but i've only just flushed and cutting now would mean some harsh smoke, and thats what i want to avoid.. so we'll see how she goes, i think it will be ok, i just don't wanna find the same ting on the left hand girl cause she's got a few more weeks yet... fingers crossed....
more bud porn.. some i took on the missus's fone... :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Day 57 since the switch.. :weed:
I've put the right hand girl back in the tent after another check for 'male bits' :lol:
I can't see any anywhere else on her and i've checked the left hand girl and she is still looking great, no signs of a hermie there... :mrgreen:
Its the final week for the right hand girl, i may even have to cut early, but, the GHS website says, they can be cut at 8weeks...but i've only just flushed and cutting now would mean some harsh smoke, and thats what i want to avoid.. so we'll see how she goes, i think it will be ok, i just don't wanna find the same ting on the left hand girl cause she's got a few more weeks yet... fingers crossed....
more bud porn.. some i took on the missus's fone... :mrgreen:

she looks good mate shame bout the hermie bits:leaf:



Active Member
she looks good mate shame bout the hermie bits:leaf:

Thanks man.. :joint:
should still get some nice smoke from her...better luck next time i guess.. :mrgreen:

Me tinks next time i'll have to expand slightly and bang a couple more ladys in there.. just incase i lose one, it won't be as bad if i got 5 going.. :lol:



Active Member
Day 58 and the buds continue to swell up! :mrgreen:
i checked the right hand girl and i found two more sets of 'bananas' but that is it..i'm going to keep my eye on her and keep takin them off but if it gets to the point where there are loads in the morning then she's gunna have to come down..
Anyone know any good quick flushing techniques, just incase she comes down abit earlier?
I read on here a while back about a girl who didn't flush at all, she fed nutes up untill the day she chopped and when she did chop, she cut the stem at the bottom and sat the plant in a bucket of water for 24 hours..(the stem in the water, not the whole actual plant.. :mrgreen:)
apparently this worked a treat.. anyone ever tried this?

on the other hand the left hand girl is doing really well still, she just keeps on pushing out with new growth everyday! :weed:




Active Member
Whoa... Just had a virus scare bout 10 minutes ago... :neutral:
Everything went black and then came on all random coloured... it looked pretty cool :eyesmoke:
Luckily everyting good.. started to get worried for a second there.. :mrgreen:



Active Member
yoooo, you telling me you guys ended this journal with no smoke report or dried yield from these gorgeous ass ladies? wtf

damnnnn, serious party foul


Active Member
Just snipped off a little bud, wanna make sure there aint no seeds init yet.. :lol:
Didn't think it was that big when i cut it off! looked alot smaller! :mrgreen:
Gunna quick dry it in my airing cupboard.. :bongsmilie: when it drys and i'll do a little pre-smoke report.. :lol:

This is the first bud i've sampled off these two.. last grow nearly smoked most of it while it was still growing! Too greedy back then! :mrgreen:




hey joe tell me how was the taste of not proper flushed & cured bigbangs:!: i bet it taste like shit right?:!: :bigjoint: