Gigantic root germination question


I started germinating my two Nirvana Ice Fem seeds on Wednesday evening and forgot I was going out of town for the weekend. I figured it was better to let them germinate longer rather than plant w/o daily watering so that's what I let happen. As you can see in the pictures, the root seems to be about 3 inches long wiht two tiny leaves at one end. I presume it makes since to plant the entire root with just barely letting the tiny leaves on top of the soil?photo(2).jpgphoto(3).jpgphoto.jpgphoto(4).jpg


btw I will be starting with Miracle Grow soil. Need to find out what the best nutes are for beginning seedlings. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated or otherwise I'll read other forums.


Active Member
Moisten the dirt and poke a hole in the dirt deep enough for the taproot so the bean leafs are just above ground. Btw, don't use Miracle grow soil for seedlings or you will end up going through living hell. If anything get Miracle grow organic choice. I would in the end recommend getting a well known organic mix since you seem somewhat new. Fox farm Ocean forest or happy frog, promix, roots organic are some to use

Good luck


It looks like on at least one of them the root is stuck to the paper towel. Should I try to remove it or can I plant it with a small bit of papertowel attached?


Well-Known Member
It looks like on at least one of them the root is stuck to the paper towel. Should I try to remove it or can I plant it with a small bit of papertowel attached?
Miracle grow is terrible for cannabis. I recommend Fox Farm Light Warrior for those seedlings in small pots. You can put them in dirt at this point. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Don't try and remove the root, it will snap, its like is made of butter.
Which is why I aways germinate straigt into the pots I want to use these days.


Had the same thing happen as far as them growing into the paper towel, simply take it out the way it grew in, throw it in some ORGANIC Miracle grow is you do end up going with MG. I wouldnt started nutes or anything but water and light till they grow up a bit- Fox Farms Ocean Forest truly is the way to go brotha!


I successfully planted both seedlings and was able to remove the paper towel w/o any damage to the root. I now have it under direct sunlight as I am in the process of finishing my grow box.

Last newbie question for now:

Anyone able to explain to me how to start a grow journal? I'd love some help with this grow along the way and I looked a few weeks ago and it appeared that I need some special privileges to start one. Not sure if I'm an idiot or what.


Active Member
Not too smart to move plants back and forth from outdoors to indoors so you know. Good way to get your soil infested with pests


Bummer. Thanks for the heads up. I only had it outside in sunlight for about two hours while I was finishing the grow box. Hopefully it'll be fine.


Active Member
dont put any nutes in it for a soil will be fine as its a plant and u could potentially stick it in dirt that u have cleaned up from your back yard. but OC would be the best so it doesnt mess ur seedling up.


Well-Known Member
No nutrients until the plant starts its second set of leaves. Then 1/2 or 1/4 strength week 1 veg nutrients from your feeding schedule.


I changed the soil from one with fertilizers to one w/o so that shouldn't be to much of a problem anymore. I know I need to get more photo's posted which I'll try to do later today but it is actually looking pretty healthy for a newly born. It is probably about 2 or 2.5 inches above the top of hte soil and each plant has four leaves.