GiggleGirl's First Grow-- Bubblelicious CFL


Well-Known Member
Hi NeedMeMeds -- no-- they will be moved to the bottom box for flowering. It is about waist high. If that is too short, then I can just move them out into the closet itself and string the lights up there. I think I will rush some of these and let others take their time-- depends on what grows.
Thanks for stopping in.


Well-Known Member
So one little 'un popped up yesterday afternoon. Today it had almost reburied itself. Little leaves shrunk. Too hot in there maybe? I am struggleing not to dig into each pot and see what the hell is going on. I am positive I planted everything too deep. My pots seem to really dry out fast too. Not sure how to combat that. I will post pics tomorrow. Trying to keep my hands off...


Well-Known Member
Best of luck to ya GiggleGirl, just give them time and hope for the best. I'll be watching closely since i have to find ways to pass time for the next four months until I get out of school in may and start my fist grow. Keep us all updated!


Active Member
try to soak them every time you water, plus spray the leaves with water, maybe leave a galloon jug with water, open, to help increase humidity.

As Joseph would say, "I doesn't know!"


Well-Known Member
So yeah.... everything went to shit. I had a 2 little plants pop up and immediately die. Checked the rest of the seeds that had germed ok and they were all messed up inside (I dug them up to look) I have one little sprout right now, but it never even unfurlled it's round leaves. I thinkit was getting too hot inside my little space. I just managed to set up the computer fan exhausts and it seems to work great! I have just started to germ two of the real seeds-- instead of the "Freebies" I think the freebies were indeed old and shit. Soooo now I have three magic bud seeds in paper towels adn we'll see what happens now! Give me a week and hopefully things will be rolling.
Oh, and i think the Jiffy pots are shit because they would dry out sooooo quickly if there was a fan on them. I had a hard time keeping the pots wet-- so I'll put them inside of beer cups this time to keep the outsides of them from drying out. :)


Well-Known Member
Ok this grow didn' t turn out, so i am starting a new journal for my new grow-- Magicbud!

Thanks for checking in.