Gimme some Rep homies

Ive been a user of this site on and off for almost 2 years. lets celebrate by giving me some rep so i can get more than one little green rectangle haha.

You're doing it wrong. Gotta do something for rep.

It's like this:

Check out my the link to my grow in my sig and give me rep for my sticky crystals!
Sorry UB but you're unable to win the contest at this spread. And yes weird screen name with lotsa letters I will accept pantie pictures.
Get started helping people with finding stuff/life problems/grow problems and the elaborate paragraph following the picture explaining how you're posting it to show the entire forum how much your girlfriend is to be coveted and adored <3
I got alot of rep back in my drunk days..but i did make a few enemies...

I think people were definitely Rep'ing you for all the wrong reasons... and the same applies to myself a few times.

I just Rep'ed you for being so nice and sober, though :3
I got alot of rep back in my drunk days..but i did make a few enemies...

its easy to make enemies on this site i guess. this site is known on other weed forums as being populated with people who act like 12 year olds. there is a bit of trolling on a daily basis, wouldnt you say?
So no tits?

A search on "cellar door tits" ... the first image was of a truly awful set of McTits.
But there was also this charmer. cn
its easy to make enemies on this site i guess. this site is known on other weed forums as being populated with people who act like 12 year olds. there is a bit of trolling on a daily basis, wouldnt you say?

True, but despite that, we have some truly amazing members who really know their stuff. The infantile dick measuring, teasing and general bullshit I can handle, because we have some truly outstanding senior members.

Cannabineer, Matt Rize, Fdd, Potpimp, Tenner etc... they are indespensible. Hope you feel welcome, and tell your girlfriend you love her.

im gonna need some bud in my mailbox for tits

Okay I can't help myself; how about tits for bud? (*obligatory 'lol j/k'*)