Gingrich slams Obama over shaking hands with Chavez


Well-Known Member
Wow may, Moron even. Gee. Look they got this thing called you can find all kinda of shit on that thing man.
If someone says a lot of stupid things I am subject to call them a moron and you have said a lot of stupid things.
Facts and bullshit are just the pieces used to play this game and I am NOT playing the game I only play with the game and those playing. As I like to try to understand the people playing the game and the trends and thought patterns that come from the changes of the times. The truth is I haven't the need to add pieces to my repertoire so I don't google or care about links. But I do like play with googlers like you.

We sold them everything they needed to make mustered gas and VX those are simple to make we've had mustered since WWI
A real googler like you wouldn't have a problem explaining just how simple it is to make VX so please tell me how its made?

Hitler never even used Gas in battle.
Please tell me why?

But we will sell you the shit even when its agienst the law. Why would we do that?
You tell me a single weapon that Iraq got from the US?
There has yet to be a single weapon stated that was sold by the US to Iraq by you or the other morons that have stated that this was done. See if you can do this. If you can than you will no longer be a moron to me.

"The US government supports terrorists dangerous regimes when it suits them.[/quote]

TRUE, but not counting England name a country with any real power that hasn't did the same thing far more often and without the good of the world/US as the real reason for this.

OR we could look at it this way. Tell me a country that has stoped, isolated or brought down dangerous regimes or terrorists as often as the US?

America profits from selling weapons, and then profits by charging interest on the loans which allowed the weapons to be purchased!
Why is this not oulawed?

American weapons are sometimes sold to dangerous regimes,
Not by the US.

and to both sides in some conflicts. The US government supported Iraq, now they want to disarm Iraq,[/quote]

Your way behind on this as the rearming troops and police has been going on for a long time.

but while some people make money, unfortunately many people die during both processes."
While it true that some die that shouldn't its also true that it is fortuitous for the world that some do.

Non-Interventionalism ;)
True why should we care that other country's kill its own or others people, why should we spend our money to send food or medicine to help save the lives of people in other country's, YES fuck them let them die. Who cares, NOT YOU now isn't that right.


Well-Known Member
Wow may you sure are smart and mean. You make some points VX may not be that easy to make for me but when you have a few hundred million bucks and an entire country, I think I would have no problem doing it. Especially if the US sells Me all the stuff I would need to make it. I could kill myself with fumes from chemicals under my sink mixed properly. (please don't ask me how simple that would be, or prove it, LOL) Musterd gas has been around for like 100 years.

Hitler didn't use them because he had been exposed to them.

"True why should we care that other country's kill its own or others people, why should we spend our money to send food or medicine to help save the lives of people in other country's, YES fuck them let them die. Who cares, NOT YOU now isn't that right."

Absolutly right. These assholes all over the world have been killing eachother for 5000 years fuck them thats why I live in the US my people were smart enouph to leave the old world. If you want to send money to them great by all means!! But don't froce me to do the same. Don't shove your morality on me. Is it my Fault Africans hack eachother to bits? Is it my fault Russia is fighting on its southern border. We arn't the world police. Let private charity work that crap out. I don't give one shit what form of government they have. Let their dieing be a lesson to the world of the dangers of all powerful governments and ideaologies of violence. We should be nice and give every person on earth who doesn't already have one an AK-47 and 1000 rounds of ammo. In 3 months the fighting will be over and people will learn to get along. Instead of disarming all the Africans who can then be hacked to peices with machetes. Give the guns to the people not the Governments or tribes.

If there is one thing I have learned on this sight there are so many people who would give up all their freedom for a little security. Its sickening.


New Member
A PBS Frontline episode, "The Arming of Iraq" (1990) detailed much of the conventional and so-called "dual-use" weapons sold to Iraq. The public learned from other sources that at least since mid-1980s the US was selling chemical and biological material for weapons to Iraq and orchestrating private sales. These sales began soon after current Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad in 1985 and met with Saddam Hussein as a private businessman on behalf of the Reagan administration. In the last major battle of the Iran-Iraq war, some 65,000 Iranians were killed, many by gas.

." Bush deceives because he hides the fact that US officials, including his father, had no qualms about helping Saddam gas Iranians. What is truly frightening are the US policies toward Iraq, the cover ups of those policies, and the US officials who personally profit in the millions of dollars from those policies. To whatever degree Saddam is a tyrant, he would not be that without the US government.

Details about Iraq killing Iranians with US-supplied chemical and biological weapons significantly deepens our understanding of the current hypocrisy. It began with "Iraq-gate" -- when US policy makers, financiers, arms-suppliers and makers, made massive profits from sales to Iraq of myriad chemical, biological, conventional weapons, and the equipment to make nuclear weapons. Reporter Russ Baker noted, for example, that, "on July 3, 1991, the Financial Times reported that a Florida company run by an Iraqi national had produced cyanide -- some of which went to Iraq for use in chemical weapons -- and had shipped it via a CIA contractor." This was just the tip of a mountain of scandals.



New Member
the obama administration's performance in foreign affairs has been brilliant and masterful. he has so far shown a keen understanding of the complex issues involved in a complex world characterized by self-interests. I say that the "soft power" approach that he is employing is not only the understanding approach, it is an approach whose results do not come instantaneously.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the obama administration's performance in foreign affairs has been brilliant and masterful. he has so far shown a keen understanding of the complex issues involved in a complex world characterized by self-interests. I say that the "soft power" approach that he is employing is not only the understanding approach, it is an approach whose results do not come instantaneously.
i agree good post.


Well-Known Member
Wow may you sure are smart and mean. You make some points VX may not be that easy to make for me but when you have a few hundred million bucks and an entire country, I think I would have no problem doing it.
The first thing you would need is someone who understands how to make it. Take my word for it that you would/could only be the money man and would only be in the way past that point.

I am not mean and am a long way from it, I can be blunt but almost always truthful as I don't change or misstate facts though I can spin them if I wish.

For me droping buzzard turd and others of the ilk are mean for lying and misleading fellow smokers.

Especially if the US sells Me all the stuff I would need to make it.
All the things that you would need YOU COULD buy right NOW in the US,, if you knew how to make it but you don't, or at least I don't think that you do, because if you did you would have KNOWN that.

By just alowing iraq to by from the US iraq could have done the same thing. But they didn't as GERMANY sold them almost everything they needed and the how to do it also came from GERMANY.

I could kill myself with fumes from chemicals under my sink mixed properly. (please don't ask me how simple that would be, or prove it,
I never thought that you could prove it. I just wondered if you had even the vagueist idea of what was involved and I still wonder. What I see is that you think that if you could buy part A and B you could just mix them.
As you have shown me only enough understanding to do that.

[ LOL) Musterd gas has been around for like 100 years.
It has been almost 100 years from the first time [that we know of] it was used to kill.
Its more like 250 years and to be honest if you grind your musterd and take a big smell you would understand that its been around for a lot longer.

Hitler didn't use them because he had been exposed to them.
You took the easy way out as many think this is true and was what I expected, but the truth is he was smart enough to know that if any gasses were used GERMANY would be at a BIG disadvantage so he didn't open that can of worms. You do understand that he DID USE GASSES TO KILL!

The big error YOU and others make is not only did the US not sell any such gas, BUT THE GAS ITSELF ISN'T A WEAPON ANYWAY.

The making of the gas into a weapon is a very very BIG step and this is also true of any WMD, but GERMANY was a big help with the technology to do so.
GERMANY sold iraq far more of the things than all of the other [10 or more] country's combined and helped iraq to weaponize the gasses [they arn't gasses] and I am honest enough not to say that GERMANY gave them the gas or even to say sold them a weapon even in my spin.

If I give you a lump of clay you could bake it into a brick and beat someone to death with it, did I sell you a weapon? Am I guilty?

I could go to wallmart buy some lead/acid batterys, glycerin and SP/PN take the acid boil it add SP/PN distill it add the distillate back to the acid, add glycerin remove the yellow oily part and I have nitro, from one stop, Is wallmart guilty of selling it to me?
Shouldn't they have known that I might do the above. If you give a sack of grapes to a kid, he mashs them lets the set a while then drinks it gits drunk, are you guilty of contributing?

YOU should also understand that it has never been shown that anything from the US was used by saddam ot kill anyone nor is there any real reason to think so! Not in any way past the stupid shit posted here.


"True why should we care that other country's kill its own or others people, why should we spend our money to send food or medicine to help save the lives of people in other country's, YES fuck them let them die. Who cares, NOT YOU now isn't that right."

I was being facetious.

Absolutly right. These assholes all over the world have been killing eachother for 5000 years fuck them thats why I live in the US my people were smart enouph to leave the old world. If you want to send money to them great by all means!! But don't froce me to do the same. Don't shove your morality on me. Is it my Fault Africans hack eachother to bits? Is it my fault Russia is fighting on its southern border. We arn't the world police. Let private charity work that crap out. I don't give one shit what form of government they have. Let their dieing be a lesson to the world of the dangers of all powerful governments and ideaologies of violence. We should be nice and give every person on earth who doesn't already have one an AK-47 and 1000 rounds of ammo. In 3 months the fighting will be over and people will learn to get along. Instead of disarming all the Africans who can then be hacked to peices with machetes. Give the guns to the people not the Governments or tribes.

If there is one thing I have learned on this sight there are so many people who would give up all their freedom for a little security. Its sickening.
I like to give, I have given you some knowledge and have given all my life, BUT try to take from me!


Well-Known Member
a pbs frontline episode, "the arming of iraq" (1990) detailed much of the conventional and so-called "dual-use" weapons sold to iraq. The public learned from other sources that at least since mid-1980s the us was selling chemical and biological material for weapons to iraq and orchestrating private sales. these sales began soon after current secretary of state, donald rumsfeld traveled to baghdad in 1985 and met with saddam hussein as a private businessman on behalf of the reagan administration. In the last major battle of the iran-iraq war, some 65,000 iranians were killed, many by gas.

." bush deceives because he hides the fact that us officials, including his father, had no qualms about helping saddam gas iranians. what is truly frightening are the us policies toward iraq, the cover ups of those policies, and the us officials who personally profit in the millions of dollars from those policies. To whatever degree saddam is a tyrant, he would not be that without the us government.

details about iraq killing iranians with us-supplied chemical and biological weapons significantly deepens our understanding of the current hypocrisy. It began with "iraq-gate" -- when us policy makers, financiers, arms-suppliers and makers, made massive profits from sales to iraq of myriad chemical, biological, conventional weapons, and the equipment to make nuclear weapons. reporter russ baker noted, for example, that, "on july 3, 1991, the financial times reported that a florida company run by an iraqi national had produced cyanide -- some of which went to iraq for use in chemical weapons -- and had shipped it via a cia contractor." this was just the tip of a mountain of scandals.

gee med do you think your or any bullshit is going to float.

Be back later.


I love all the sources May!
If I read your nonsense correctly, what I've gathered is that you believe the United States had nothing to do with Iraq obtaining chemical weapons?
Well, here you go;
Newly released documents show that U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, played a leading role in building up Iraq's military in the 1980s when Iraq was using chemical weapons, a newspaper reports.
THE US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.
Most Americans listening to the President did not know that the United States supplied Iraq with much of the raw material for creating a chemical and biological warfare program. Nor did the media report that U.S. companies sold Iraq more than $1 billion worth of the components needed to build nuclear weapons and diverse types of missiles, including the infamous Scud.
U.S. intelligence and logistical support played a crucial role in arming Iraq. The administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous dual use items that had both military and civilian applications, including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague.
October, 1983. The Reagan Administration begins secretly allowing Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt to transfer United States weapons, including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, and bombs to Iraq. These shipments violated the Arms Export Control Act.
Would you like some more?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
we did do business with iraq during the iran/iraq conflict at the very least artillery and other basic stuff. but knowing our history im sure more. it is similar to our dubious affiliation with our pseudo ally pakistan. many years from now will speak of that friendship in a similar vein.


Well-Known Member
we did do business with iraq during the iran/iraq conflict at the very least artillery and other basic stuff. but knowing our history im sure more. it is similar to our dubious affiliation with our pseudo ally pakistan. many years from now will speak of that friendship in a similar vein.
No, I don't think so. One thing that Hillary Obama, err Barack Clinton, err, the current Administration has shown that it is really good at is kissing international ass.

Then again that's usually a part of the job description.

Politician Wanted:

Skill at kissing ass required

Must be able to give the appearance of having any other skill.

Will have staff of speech writers, ghost writers, and spinmeisters
Will be able to use public money for private pleasure and to bail out
supporters, contributors and enemies.


Statesman Wanted:

Knowledge (specifically of the Constitution/Magna Carta/Bill of Rights)
Refusal to Compromise Morals, Ethics, Integrity and Vision.


New Member
Statesman Wanted:

Knowledge (specifically of the Constitution/Magna Carta/Bill of Rights)
Refusal to Compromise Morals, Ethics, Integrity and Vision.

that's what we have now tbt........


Well-Known Member
A PBS Frontline episode, "The Arming of Iraq" (1990) detailed much of the conventional and so-called "dual-use" weapons sold to Iraq. The public learned from other sources that at least since mid-1980s the US was selling chemical and biological material for weapons to Iraq and orchestrating private sales. These sales began soon after current Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad in 1985 and met with Saddam Hussein as a private businessman on behalf of the Reagan administration. In the last major battle of the Iran-Iraq war, some 65,000 Iranians were killed, many by gas.

." Bush deceives because he hides the fact that US officials, including his father, had no qualms about helping Saddam gas Iranians. What is truly frightening are the US policies toward Iraq, the cover ups of those policies, and the US officials who personally profit in the millions of dollars from those policies. To whatever degree Saddam is a tyrant, he would not be that without the US government.

Details about Iraq killing Iranians with US-supplied chemical and biological weapons significantly deepens our understanding of the current hypocrisy. It began with "Iraq-gate" -- when US policy makers, financiers, arms-suppliers and makers, made massive profits from sales to Iraq of myriad chemical, biological, conventional weapons, and the equipment to make nuclear weapons. Reporter Russ Baker noted, for example, that, "on July 3, 1991, the Financial Times reported that a Florida company run by an Iraqi national had produced cyanide -- some of which went to Iraq for use in chemical weapons -- and had shipped it via a CIA contractor." This was just the tip of a mountain of scandals.

Med you know as well as I that none of the biological stuff toxigenic or pathogenic is a weapon.
You also know that none of the precursor chemical could be called a weapon.
You also know that none of that dual use crap could be called a weapon.

So just admit that none of these things are weapons and I will not come back and try to show you to be the fool that you are as I have shown that none of these things are weapons and no one else is going to back you up if you think or say that these are weapons.

You morons out there tell med that none of these things are WEAPONS.

Med take this time to think don't make me come back and show you to be a FOOL.

Now if you think that one of these things could be called a weapon then pick it out and tell me why it is that you think that? I will try to help you understand why its not.

I am building a new house and haven't the time to sleep let alone play with this and YOU MORONS.
So med please tell me that you know that none of that shit that the morons have posted IS A WEAPON? and lets be done with this crap OK.

Back when I can.


Well-Known Member
I love all the sources May!
If I read your nonsense correctly, what I've gathered is that you believe the United States had nothing to do with Iraq obtaining chemical weapons?
Well, here you go;

Would you like some more?
I think you are the king of morons here and I was trying to save you for later.

I don't care for your links and the last one was from iran, you can see it in the addy.

You are less of a moron than some here, tell med that none of dual use, biological or precursors could be called a weapon and we will debate some other time in some other thread.


I think you are the king of morons here and I was trying to save you for later.

I don't care for your links and the last one was from iran, you can see it in the addy.

You are less of a moron than some here, tell med that none of dual use, biological or precursors could be called a weapon and we will debate some other time in some other thread.

Wow, so because you believe you're already right about everything you don't need to look at anything else, your mind is already made up..

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt May...

The United States sold Iraq weapons and military equipment during the Iran-Iraq war because we wanted Iraq to win and Iran to lose...seems logical. This is not debatable, there's mountains of proof, that shot of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadaam should be enough to tell you something about American interests in the Middle East during the 1980s...

We sold them the weapons, then get pissed when they use them against us, our allies, or their own people.

Why are you denying these facts? In each link I provided it goes through everything one by one, I gathered 5 or 6 different links to show you it has nothing to do with right/left, spin, propaganda, nothing, all it is is collaborating facts from completely different sources.

This is similar to creationists denying evolution happened.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so because you believe you're already right about everything you don't need to look at anything else, your mind is already made up..

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt May...

The United States sold Iraq weapons and military equipment during the Iran-Iraq war because we wanted Iraq to win and Iran to lose...seems logical. This is not debatable, there's mountains of proof, that shot of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadaam should be enough to tell you something about American interests in the Middle East during the 1980s...

We sold them the weapons, then get pissed when they use them against us, our allies, or their own people.

Why are you denying these facts? In each link I provided it goes through everything one by one, I gathered 5 or 6 different links to show you it has nothing to do with right/left, spin, propaganda, nothing, all it is is collaborating facts from completely different sources.

This is similar to creationists denying evolution happened.
Bal bla bla bla bla bla.

