If someone says a lot of stupid things I am subject to call them a moron and you have said a lot of stupid things.Wow may, Moron even. Gee. Look they got this thing called Google.com you can find all kinda of shit on that thing man.
Facts and bullshit are just the pieces used to play this game and I am NOT playing the game I only play with the game and those playing. As I like to try to understand the people playing the game and the trends and thought patterns that come from the changes of the times. The truth is I haven't the need to add pieces to my repertoire so I don't google or care about links. But I do like play with googlers like you.
A real googler like you wouldn't have a problem explaining just how simple it is to make VX so please tell me how its made?We sold them everything they needed to make mustered gas and VX those are simple to make we've had mustered since WWI
Please tell me why?Hitler never even used Gas in battle.
You tell me a single weapon that Iraq got from the US?But we will sell you the shit even when its agienst the law. Why would we do that?
There has yet to be a single weapon stated that was sold by the US to Iraq by you or the other morons that have stated that this was done. See if you can do this. If you can than you will no longer be a moron to me.
"The US government supports terrorists dangerous regimes when it suits them.[/quote]
TRUE, but not counting England name a country with any real power that hasn't did the same thing far more often and without the good of the world/US as the real reason for this.
OR we could look at it this way. Tell me a country that has stoped, isolated or brought down dangerous regimes or terrorists as often as the US?
Why is this not oulawed?America profits from selling weapons, and then profits by charging interest on the loans which allowed the weapons to be purchased!
Not by the US.American weapons are sometimes sold to dangerous regimes,
and to both sides in some conflicts. The US government supported Iraq, now they want to disarm Iraq,[/quote]
Your way behind on this as the rearming troops and police has been going on for a long time.
While it true that some die that shouldn't its also true that it is fortuitous for the world that some do.but while some people make money, unfortunately many people die during both processes."
True why should we care that other country's kill its own or others people, why should we spend our money to send food or medicine to help save the lives of people in other country's, YES fuck them let them die. Who cares, NOT YOU now isn't that right.Non-Interventionalism