Girl, 3, grows 'cannabis' from Asda health food.


Well-Known Member
DAMMIT!!!!! Some 3 year old chucks some seed in the ground and gets happy, healthy adult flowering plants, I plant my seeds, carefully tend them, catering to thier every need, and lose all but one. And that one wasn't for lack of trying. I may have to re-think the whole outdoor growing thing!!!! (NOT!! J/K)

Thats too cool. Reminds me of the time the Base Commanders wife (I grew up military) was growing pot as an ornamental shrub. She had 5 or 6 of them (Big) in her yard, but didn't know what they were, only that she thought they were pretty. MP's showed up and scolded her and pulled them up. LOL


Well-Known Member
yeh it sounds so simple 2 months and a fully flowered mother, i think its a conspiracy the father is obviously a cannibus grower and thought the heat was coming onto him, so he blaimed his own daughter and asda.


Well-Known Member
"Asda today confirmed its seed mix contains 15% hemp seeds from the cannabis sativa plant, part of the cannabis family, but stressed it is different to hemp or cannabis associated with recreational drug use."

Dang! When you read something this idiotic in the paper, does it make you wonder how accurate their other reporting might be--on economics, health, etc?


Well-Known Member
"Asda today confirmed its seed mix contains 15% hemp seeds from the cannabis sativa plant, part of the cannabis family, but stressed it is different to hemp or cannabis associated with recreational drug use."

Dang! When you read something this idiotic in the paper, does it make you wonder how accurate their other reporting might be--on economics, health, etc?
Yah, considering you cant use hemp as a drug LOL.


Well-Known Member
yeh the story makes no sense pretty much, the echo is aload of shit anyway, its moving to manchester soon.


Well-Known Member
“Lois has eaten half the seeds from this pack and anyone could be sitting at their desk in work, thinking they are being healthy when really they are eating cannabis seeds.”

As if it was drug poison... We all know there's nothing more healthy. But they flipped out and sent the seeds back to the manufacturer for "testing" and called the paper and killed the plant.
