Girl Growers UNITE


Well-Known Member
OK - here are pix of my 3 girls who've been in flower for 4 weeks. John Sinclair Trans Love Sative, Maui Waui, and Bubblegummer.



Well-Known Member
Why on earth would woman growers "unite"? Why should women not just grow, and compete for attention with all other growers, on their grows merits? Why should being a woman, make you special? Such feminist nonsense. Contribute and compete with everyone else.
Well, for one reason, the way men often talk to each other is a little rough -- I think they're used to it, calling each other dicks and assholes and every now and then using cola talk as a stand-in for penis talk or vice versa. And that's okay. That's cool. Reminds me of high school...but that's just me.

But once in a while it would be nice to not have all that testosterone undulating beneath the threads.

Besides, if I want a recommendation for a strain good for menstrual cramps or hot flashes, who am I gonna go to???

So mjuff, if you can tell me what your thoughts are on for weed for cramps and flashes, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I'm going to throw it open to the group here...I'm at that age where I'm getting both!


Staff member
the only other girl I see grows from on this site is lahada other than her the only other girls seem too be in the toke n talk and shit and dont seem like they grow too afraid to get dirt under there

welcome to RIU if it wasn't for all the mary jane this site would be nothing but a sausage fest. lol
LOL wow so bs.


Active Member
the only other girl I see grows from on this site is lahada other than her the only other girls seem too be in the toke n talk and shit and dont seem like they grow too afraid to get dirt under there

welcome to RIU if it wasn't for all the mary jane this site would be nothing but a sausage fest. lol
LOL wow so bs.
seriously BS! Haha there are plenty of women who grow on this site! Just bc we mess around toke n talk doesn't mean we don't grow! I mean shit I didn't just hop on R.I.U for the casual conversation however titillating it may be ;)


Active Member
seriously BS! Haha there are plenty of women who grow on this site! Just bc we mess around toke n talk doesn't mean we don't grow! I mean shit I didn't just hop on R.I.U for the casual conversation however titillating it may be ;)
Miss rabbit knows her shit. i know this because we both responded to a geniusus thread on water, withgreat info. as im a pretty good grower, or so thinks my county, my product is thebest for miles and miles. when i see someone who knows what they are talking about, i recognize.

and btw, anyone who doubts women growers, youve never samples "saras red". it was the stuff my mentor bred. and in case you dont understand, sara was my mentor. and she knew more about growing than anyone. sadly shes got dementia, so she can no longer grow. however, i still have peanut butter jar full of saras red seeds. She left her crop to be attended by her kid for a week, and when she cane back, no males were pulled. She told me i could keep the seeds if i supervised her kid cutting everything down. make sure he didnt cut off a finger.

thats beside the point. saras red is the best tasting indica i know. woman growers usually love plants to death(bless your tender hearts) :-) you girls usually treat your plants so well, and use excellent attention to detail. in doing so, y'all produce alot of killer bud. its like you can feel the love in the final product. i love ganja, alot, but not nearly as much as most girls do.

for any guys out there doubting girls, i sugest you actually see HOW they grow, and sample some of the bud. the bud is always incredible and the grow room, shiiiit, girls keep it spotless. not a single dust particle. and the plants, i dare you to find a dried out old leaf on any of em. or burns. you wont tho, girls take care of things. think of a motherly instict directed to plants. it perfect. at least plants dont keep ya up all night.

bottom line. have respect for the girls out there. cuase unless youve ever experienced their growing first hand, ya dont kbow whatinthehell yer talkin about.


Active Member
Why on earth would woman growers "unite"? Why should women not just grow, and compete for attention with all other growers, on their grows merits? Why should being a woman, make you special? Such feminist nonsense. Contribute and compete with everyone else.
Buddy, do you understand anything about girls. their need for comunity is what keeps us all together. if woman when as hot headed and stand alone as men, not only would they be no fun, but they would be the same as men.

and if you want your women to be like men, we all know how that story ends. and i wont elaborate, cause the thought of that repulses me. woman being diferent is what makes em so special. to me, they are perfect. and if they want to unite, im happy y with that. i dont want women to be like men. i want them to be women, and proud of it. if they need to stand together, to lend strength to one another, great. when dickheads get together, and talk shit to girls, then they really need on another.

remember, women are sensitive, and if you treat them like shit, you can seriously hurt thier feelings. this comment is not even the problem, so much as the first one knocking girls.

and for all the sausage hounds who stop here to talke shit to girls, try respect. if you wouldnt say it to your moms, dont say it to any lady. that should be eazy enough for them to get...

love to the ladies

brewing up

Well-Known Member
a womens grow thread tut tut please, next they will be out the kitchen and driving!!! :wall: its an abomination:cuss: :bigjoint:

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • [h=2]

    Originally Posted by Villa
    wow are there no girl growers here?

    sorry i'm late, but i'm here!

    hello my fellow females!​

what a load of pollen sacks


Well-Known Member
my genitals face inward towards my body instead of hanging outwards and away from my body. isn't that interesting?!?