There's another weed forum I sometimes go to. (Like last night when I coulden't get on RIU) And lately I've seen other forums with people linking to there photos saying they were running for miss high times. Not sure if it was her or not though.
And girl, You are sexy as hell, don't let the haters get you down. They're probably only doing it cause they don't like spammers.
misshightimes... are you gonna be a contributing member, or do i need to ban you as a spammer?? seems like you joined JUST to get votes for your contest... albeit pot related spam, this is spam nonetheless![]()
Uh, yeah, seems like spam. Or something like that. No, spam. You're right.
Could be me, though.
Carry on . . . people posting links to their pictures and names and locations. Odd.
Edit: okay, read the rest of the thread. So . . . let me get this straight. It's okay to pander or just about beg for compliments regarding one's attractiveness or whatever, after posting pictures of oneself; but it's a no-no to offer opinions to the contrary? I don't get it. I really don't. This is so obviously a ploy, exploiting this board/forum, and regulars are getting slammed for not going along with it? Makes NO sense to me. This entire thread is nonsensical.
Okay, I'm out of here before I get slammed myself . . . but come on, now . . . don't I have great hips???![]()
I called SPAM on the very first thread (s)he started. It was clear all along. Begging for attention and participation in some other completely egoistic pursuit - SPAM. Close this shit down.
Da Rules said:No Cross-Posting
Do not post the same discussion more than once on a discussion forum or on many forums. Duplicate discussions are frustrating and counterproductive for other members, especially for those whose time and energy is limited. Duplicate discussions will be deleted.
No Advertising Spam
Do not heedlessly place your advertisements through the Discussion Forums. This will be considered SPAM and could result in the loss of your Rollitup Community Membership. Affiliate links are not allowed within the forums.
ever heard of "being polite"?
that is all.![]()
Oh, I'm impolite, am I? Methinks the pot is calling the barely tarnished kettle black. kiss-ass
You know what's RUDE? Look at the first post on here. That's rude.
And for the record, I generally stay out of the drama, but this was shameless. Some may call it spam; I call it shameless. A rose by any other name . . . .
i still see no spam. no one is making money off this. just asking for votes.
i don't understand all the hate. if it was bud shots at skunk magazine everyone would be all over it. last time dude here won. i'm confused.
but last time 'dude' was a long standing member.... didnt just join (seemingly) to get votes....
how many more threads of this...dear god...