Girl Scout Clones (GsC2)

I see. Here's mine. Don't mind the dark roots,it's a sample I tried recently.These have been in the cloner at least 3 weeks. They are now trying to flower lol.
Here's the extra that went into my soiless mix. It's tring to flower too.
was taking some pics of my res. and felt the water was really warm, decided to temp it and found it was at 80°F. Too hot? The room temp is only 71°, maybe my pump is heating up the water? 20181210_090656.jpg 20181210_090719-1-1.jpg
Water temp may be a touch too high. Is your pump on a timer? You have a lot of stem beneath the puck inch to an inch and a half.
Water temp may be a touch too high. Is your pump on a timer? You have a lot of stem beneath the puck inch to an inch and a half.
no i dont have it on a timer i been running it 24/7. maybe i should cut it off intermittenly and see if temps go down.ill have to put an air stone in there to at least make some bubbles while its off.
no i dont have it on a timer i been running it 24/7. maybe i should cut it off intermittenly and see if temps go down.ill have to put an air stone in there to at least make some bubbles while its off.

No airstone needed. 24/7 will work unless your pump is heating up your water which may be your case. I modified a timer to make it so that each pin is about 50 or so seconds. So, 2 pins down, 4 pins up.
here.s a link
been watching some videos on aeroponic cloners and they recommend cycle timers for the reason im having issues now, pump creates too much heat working 24 hours a day. My container only holds a little under 2 gallons so i imagine thats whats going on.i tried to modify mine but i couldnt get the case apart, its got these stupid three point screws in it. So for now im just setting the timer to go on and off about every half hour during the 6 hour dark period, and i put an air stone in there to make some bubbles.
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been watching some videos on aeroponic cloners and they recommend cycle timers for the reason im having issues now, pump creates too much heat working 24 hours a day. My container only holds a little under 2 gallons so i imagine thats whats going on.i tried to modify mine but i couldnt get the case apart, its got these stupid three point screws in it. So for now im just setting the timer to go on and off about every half hour during the 6 hour dark period, and i put an air stone in there to make some bubbles.

Yea those timers used a torex screwdriver. The ones in the video are anout $7 at walmart, if that. They use regular screws.Easy peasy. Glad you figuered out your issue....water temp.try 15 on 15 off with your air stone in it. I'm not sure if they will dry out in 30 minutes.
You should check the 15 on off time before going to 30 off. Leave it on for 15 mins then, before it comes back on, check and see if the stems are moist/wet from the last on cycle, if they are you are good. I'd try that before the 30 min on off.
Mine stays on about 1min and 10 secs and off for anout 4-5 minutes.
finally got those screws out and modded the timer and every pin is about 50sec.each just like yours. The 30 min on/off worked ok since i had an air stone keeping them wet. It worked to get the temp down to 75°. Im about to install the new timer and see how goes.20181210_182904.jpg
finally got those screws out and modded the timer and every pin is about 50sec.each just like yours. The 30 min on/off worked ok since i had an air stone keeping them wet. It worked to get the temp down to 75°. Im about to install the new timer and see how goes.View attachment 4246950

Good on ya Kush!:clap: Hope things turn around for you. Those gals will be rooting in no time! I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say they will have roots by Friday or at least root nubs.
Day 5 and im starting to see that yellowing and leaf curl just like before, so i sprayed with a mild epsom salt solution.hopefully that takes care of it. The stems are white where i sliced them during the cutting, about to start shooting roots out any day now. USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image-523264314.jpeg_1544573312235.jpeg
Yessir, that yellowing is them trying to nourish themselves due to photosynthesis, it is could also a sign they are actively trying to establish feet so they can eat naturally.