Active Member
Alright guys, sorry I have been lagging, we had a small blaze sesh with the vape and got unexpectedly baked. Anyways, the long awaited, pics.
Here is a pic of the area where I snapped a branch while trying to LST, I was being quite gentle so I was pretty surprised when it happened, I pushed it back up and have it basically propped up with a coat hanger, did not want to stress this baby(my akr !
) anymore than it already has been but oh well, I have been LSTing all the branches, should have got a shot of the full plant, it would probably be about a foot tall but from LST its about 4 inches and it has huge branches going to the ends of the pots, it is growing horizontally almost completely. I will get a better shot next time.
Here is what I like to call a topshot of the girl scout cookies, you can see I put up the trellis, once its full I will flower this baby. Sadly I didnt take very many pictures of this girl, but she is already showing little white hairs in some spots, she is horned up. As you can see all of my topping and training has made it quite bushy, its almost perfectly healthy, I dont say perfect because of the orange spots on the lower area but it hasnt come back and I picked those leaves off. I have super cropped the top 3 branches, but I realize now that it was a bit too much stress on the girl, I should have just done 1 every other day or so. Live and learn, this is a keeper strain for life maybe 
A nice topshot of the boss hogg, has some 7 blade leaves that are literally MASSIVE, I know for some it may be hard to believe these are indeed the same plants pictured previously, but alas they are!!
Node structure on the boss hogg, looks amazing, literally perfect, all the lower branches are reaching up to the top to form an even canopy by themselves, I have topped it already 3 times.

A nice comparison to size up one of the big leaves on the boss hogg and a close up shot of the top.
Bud sites forming on the AKR!