Girlfriend question, is this normal


Well-Known Member
Ah, life's lessons. Learning CAN be fun, hahaaaa

The hard part is looking back & the decisions you made while you were real young,thinking they were smart decisions,then understanding 20 years later how very wrong they were.

Everybody needs to see you put your foot down every now & then,men included,respect in life is everything.
why do all you blokes recon guys can't be mates with chicks? pretty much all my mates all my life have been blokes. i can't deal with female politics........ and the shoes...... and the is with that obsesion?!?!
anywho most of my mates have never been interested in boning me simply because i am cosidered to be one of the boys. I smoke with them, i drink with em, i perv with em (and no i'm not gay, bit bi, but not gay). we're mates, thats all and if sex was involved it'd just be fuckin wierd. even when guy mates have tried to tune me they get shutdown pretty quickly. i'm not interested in distorying my rlationship with my fella or me mates.
so to all you closed minded men out there...... pull ya heads in and go make some female friends (without trying to fuck them)!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh how uncomplicated life would be if it were still that easy, eh boys? course instead of fucking around behind each others backs, we'd just be clubbing each other and stabbing each other with spears. I dont think that would work in this day and age, hehe. (no insult intended ladies)


Well-Known Member
why do all you blokes recon guys can't be mates with chicks? pretty much all my mates all my life have been blokes. i can't deal with female politics........ and the shoes...... and the is with that obsesion?!?!
anywho most of my mates have never been interested in boning me simply because i am cosidered to be one of the boys. I smoke with them, i drink with em, i perv with em (and no i'm not gay, bit bi, but not gay). we're mates, thats all and if sex was involved it'd just be fuckin wierd. even when guy mates have tried to tune me they get shutdown pretty quickly. i'm not interested in distorying my rlationship with my fella or me mates.
so to all you closed minded men out there...... pull ya heads in and go make some female friends (without trying to fuck them)!!!!!!!!!
Well if I'm not gonna fuck you, what use do i have for you!!! Joking:)


Well-Known Member
i fu gotta ask, then u already know its not kool for you. forget waht everybody else says, how do u feel. tryin to play the stand up dude aint always the righ move. dinner with another dude, solo, is a date


Well-Known Member
I would go out and cheat on her ASAP just incase then you are safe if she does it to you, you can throw her out the house throw the blanket at her and tell her its got another gurls pussy on it:mrgreen::hump:

honestly I wouldnt be mad at the Jap guy at all, he did you a favor by outing your gurl as a 2 timin slut, only time id get mad at a guy for that is if he already knows you before hand other than that he did you a favor by getting rid of a skank in your bed.

if you get depressed after u toss her out cuz you loved her, just smoke a fat bowl and get your dick sucked by a new gurl and you will have forgotten all about that virus box

i dont know why im bringing this up but anyone else hate it if you gurl uses your toothbrush??? fuck I hate that thats nasty I always gotta buy a new one, anyone else had this problem with women?


Active Member
....WTF? why let your girl go on a date with another guy?!?, you know what i think shes doing? she's probaly for a new future bf, basically your letting her date another guy that she would probaly fall for??? is it right you be the judge...

then again... i dont know anything...


Too many brownies
honestly I wouldnt be mad at the Jap guy at all, he did you a favor by outing your gurl as a 2 timin slut, only time id get mad at a guy for that is if he already knows you before hand other than that he did you a favor by getting rid of a skank in your bed.

if you get depressed after u toss her out cuz you loved her, just smoke a fat bowl and get your dick sucked by a new gurl and you will have forgotten all about that virus box
you nailed it.

Oh and yeah definitely Unless you know the guy dont get mad....because he has no reason to care unless he knew who you were...

Oh and my girl can use whatever she wants without buggin me man.


Too many brownies
....WTF? why let your girl go on a date with another guy?!?, you know what i think shes doing? she's probaly for a new future bf, basically your letting her date another guy that she would probaly fall for??? is it right you be the judge...

then again... i dont know anything...

Why would she go out on romantic dates for him if she didn't think there was a possibility of them falling for each other? Of course she is fishing around.

Like I said before if you two truly love eachother she wont have the urge to go hang out with some other man and go out with him.

Wether you say it or not it is a ROMANTIC DATE your girl is going on with that jap guy.


Well-Known Member
honestly I wouldnt be mad at the Jap guy at all, he did you a favor by outing your gurl as a 2 timin slut, only time id get mad at a guy for that is if he already knows you before hand other than that he did you a favor by getting rid of a skank in your bed.
Exactly...I've taken a few guys outside the club to tell them this philosophy of mine.....Look dude you can be my buddy or you can hit on my girl but, you can't do wanna be my bud than, cool cause I like ya. You wanna hit on my girl, fine...I can handle the competition! understand this though, the next time you see me and your all about, hey Bro wus uppp and I turn around and see you hittin on my girl when my backs turned...WERE GONNA BRAWL...So make your choice now!!!! Note: this is outside..just me and puffin up for the crowd...Two men eye to eye....Guys have shown me respect after that!!!


Active Member
Heres what you need to do...... Ask her if its alright you hang out with one of your female friends wait.. dont say one .. say a group of female friends while shes on her date..if she says yes..You have now entered What i beleive is called an Open-Relationship. So go ahead make that trip to the strip joint and go have some open fun :)


Well-Known Member
this shit is still going on lol. so did she ever go out with him? dont worry unless you guys been fighting alot or if things are bad in the bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Hell no, not that i don't trust my girl, but why in the hell would your girl need to go meet this guy? what role would he play in her life? besides taking your role? this seems like a step on a path in the wrong direction... might need to rethink the whole situation and get rid of her, cause this will probably happen again in a similar way...


Well-Known Member
I'm a girl with a 21 yr. old daughter..and I say umm no it's not normal, and why can't they cook at your house ????? And I've been married 23 yrs..if I asked my husband to cook at some dudes house..he'd laugh and load his gun....