Girlfriend question, is this normal


Well-Known Member
if I asked my husband to cook at some dudes house..he'd laugh and load his gun....
thats good to hear : we need more old-fashioned family values : infidelity should carry the maximum term.


Well-Known Member
if your girl is gonna cheat on you she's gonna do it no matter what. its better to find out now. call the show cheaters and catch her that way lol j/k


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know what happened to the OP,he pulled a houdini after this thread.

I wonder if he got locked up.


Well-Known Member
Alright heres the deal, weve been together for over a year, everythings fine, shes the kind of person for whom its really important not to mess around with other people, i know i can trust her on that, shes made it pretty clear by now.
The reason i let her meet up with the guy are as follows:
Although shes very hot and cute shes having a tough time finding friends here and im pretty much the only person she does anything with so i end up meeting with her just about every day so i woudlnt mind her doing things with others a few times so that i can have some me time.
Then, i hang out with girls somethimes, however these are old friends ive known for years and years and a few weeks ago an old friend came to visit and stayed at my place a few days and my gf knows we hooked up once, a few years ago, while being drunk (this was before i even knew my current gf). Basically she was/is a best friend but i give my gf credit for letting her stay.
Then, because i know i can trust her, i dont want to be the controlling boyfriend so i want to let her go and do what she wants, as long as i feel its not out of the ordinary.
So thats where i stand, but i wasnt sure if it was strange to not let her go and meet this guy or to go and let her do it.
Ill talk to her again later that something about it all just doesnt fit right, im sure shes just looking for a friend, but i dont know about the guy.
She also asked if i want to go with but i dont really want to because i have no real need to hang out with the guy. The only reason would be to let him know shes mine but i dont feel like i need to prove myself.
SON! Tell that motherfucker to get his ass a girlfriend then you and your girlfriend can go over there and hang out with him and his girlfriend. Not gonna lie, I would have definitely met this prick and said something to him by now. Take his ass to the side and tell him if he fucks around your going to break his neck. If that kid wants to eat some food, invite him over for some easy mac and ask him what the fucks up. Ask him in front of your gf too, if they act all shady you know somethings up.

You must be a nice guy, cause this shit has my blood boiling and it's not even my deal.


Well-Known Member
I tried the black ski mask and hunting knife on my wife. She was taken by surprise but she didn't react very well.

So I traded the hunting knife for a rather large dildo that was just hanging around out of the blue. Her face turned from horror to astonishment. She became more submisive. She slowly backed into the bedroom and bumped against the bed.

I thrust the large magic dildo at her and she gasped wildly and fell back onto the bed. She grabbed the magic dildo from my hand and just about when I thought my fantasies would become real she says......."Honey, can you come back in an hour when I'm finished?"

I was shocked!! I was amazed!! So I went to the bar down the street and drank a few :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if your girl is gonna cheat on you she's gonna do it no matter what. its better to find out now. call the show cheaters and catch her that way lol j/k
yeah, get joey greco's ass on the case. That motherfucker got shanked on the show he is insane.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming he is sitting in his bedroom in complete darkness, naked, crying. Probably for the last week or so.


There's treachery afoot
So I traded the hunting knife for a rather large dildo that was just hanging around out of the blue.
I thrust the large magic dildo at her
She grabbed the magic dildo from my hand :blsmoke:[/quote]

So where did you happen to purchase a large
Do you have to be a magician to use it??? what kind of tricks can it do????
Sorry.....high and just couldn't resist.........


Well-Known Member
So where did you happen to purchase a large
Do you have to be a magician to use it??? what kind of tricks can it do????
Sorry.....high and just couldn't resist.........
The magic dildo appeared "magically". No purchase was necessary :blsmoke:

I've seen some women do some magical things with a dildo. So maybe they have a lil magician in all of 'em :hump:

It can do tricks if you train it right :mrgreen:



Active Member
1) 41

2) yes it will, l but can guarantee I will get up faster, be able to speak in a
normal voice and not compalin all night concerning how painfull the entire
scenario was.

3) yes, I will give you the consistancy thing but will rephrase to a "one track

4) The theory concerning the evolution of man is under increased scrutiny
due to the persistence of gaps in the fossil record, the inability to
demonstrate "life-or-death" determining advantageous genetic mutations,
and the lack of experiments or observations to truly confirm the evidence
for speciation. Overall, the evolution of man pervades as the accepted
paradigm on the origin of man within the scientific community. This is not
because it has been proven scientifically, but because alternative
viewpoints bring with them metaphysical implications which go against the
modern naturalistic paradigm. Nevertheless, a closer examination of the
evidence reveals evolution to be increasingly less scientific and more
reliant upon beliefs, not proof. Evolution Of Man

5) Concerning the "real world"
I have a masters in Biology and a doctorate in Biochemistry. I speak four
languages (maybe a little overstated, I speak three and understand four,
german is a bitch) , have lived on three continents, spend two and a half
months a year traveling, worked for 10 years for the federal
government, own three houses in two states, earn well into six figures
yearly, have an investment portfolio that would bring you to your
knees, grow some really good grass and plan to retire in nine years happy
and financially secure. So... NO SIR...I don't know a damn thing about the
"real world" cause I'm just a stupid gurl.......

It just comes down to instinct vs intellect. We just think very differently and
men in many instances respond with instinct. I do have many straight male friends and yes, deep down they probably are thinking about sex as we suck on a volcano bag...but they don't voice it and don't spend time at my place expecting anything more than a really good buzz, some fantastic culinary offerings, good conversation and maybe a good poker game or two. I love the men in my life and would not trade them for the world and I love the opinions you guys give here, it is enlightening, educational and entertaining. I appreciate your candor.
Now damnit lets all smoke and make up........:joint:
haha one hell of a comeback... you live in YOUR little made up world. like amigo said... one day you will find the real one, and its harsh.... so enjoy your happy ass life while it lasts.... (btw congrats on all the schooling, hope it was a good waste of time lol...) (making six digits as well, with no schooling, its called MANPOWER... getting the fuck up and working till i cant, and im are u?)


Active Member
I like how all the guys say shit like

"Man, if shes cheating you should beat the guys fucking ass man!!!!@@!"

Why? It's not his requirement to not fuck her, it's her responsibility to not fuck him. She's the one who has a commitment to you, not him. Why would you even waste your energy and take the risk of getting hurt fighting over a woman that cheats on you? That's pretty fucking pathetic IMO.
well... obviously... her fucking him makes you angry.... and obviously you cannot beat her. if he has the will to put himself in a situation like that. he also must accept the fact that he might get beat the fuck up..... we react on instinct.... men are men... you fuck with their emotions... well.........

im not a hard ass.... i dont go telling people i can beat ur ass... but if you fuck my girl... weather or not she came on to you.... i fuck your ass up... period..... with or without fists. instinct. ever watch animal planet?


Active Member
So how did their DATE go....

You know he is only going on that DATE with YOURE girlfriend hoping he will eventually have a chance of hooking up with her... place?


You guys are being ridiculous with all the trust shit...

if she is really that bored with you that she needs to hang out with other guys then something is wrong. Tell her to find some girlfriends

Me and my girlfriend would be perfectly content and happy if we were the last people we ever saw for the rest of our lives.
fo sho ^^^^^^^^^ agreed,,, especialy the last part.

im happy as fuck.. and i got girls ive known since i was a child.... but if i just out of nowhere wanted to goto the movies with them,... well then its time for the dog house homez....


Active Member
lol im not trying to be like all other men, but i do believe in old fashioned values... and maybe im coming from a point that im married as well with children. and that just would not fly with me, what so ever... and maybe everyone is right.... just get the fuck out before it fucks your emotions... things like that can cause trust issues for life... or a long time atleast. ive walked in on one of my ex's with the guy who was tutoring her.... i had roses in my hand for her, she though i was at work, but instead i left early to surprise her. lol unbelieveably i didnt do shit... welll i threw the flowers at her tv, vase and all, made quite a mess..
she was careless on trying to be sneaky though, i had her house keys and all........
stupid girl.... maybe thats the reason men become irate.... because a good majority of wemon are lying sacs of shit (goes the same with men in every way though) its a two way battle... ive fucked up before too.... but ive had wemon lie to my damn face and kiss me afterwordss... i could never do that shit...