Girls, Girls, Girls. Everywhere I look, Don't know what to doooooo.......


Active Member
:joint:SweeEEEEt today is the greatest day. I took 2 of my 3 NLxBB and some clones from my SnowWhite and put em' into flower a few days ago and This is what I woke to.

:mrgreen: GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS:mrgreen: ,not a man around
(just how i like it so sooo many levels)

AND im even more excited Because i still have the momma snow white and another NLxBB hangin in my veggibox, chillin' . So that means I will have some fantastic smoke in a few weeks until. the end of my life. hahah

I wish I could share it with you all.

The first pic is one of my FAV pics I have EVER taken of the kids.
the second is my Flower box. and I have a Veggibox with a ton of stuff in it still. I need more room but i live in a VERY small place so unless i use some plants as pillows, in in trouble.



Active Member
its an odor nutralizer gel. its kind of like ONA . its all i could get in a pinch until my ONA came. It says it was supposed to last for 6 week, but it lasted 2 under my growroom conditions. they suck. Just get Ona and make a fan bucket it rocks, you can make it out of any size bucket with a lid you can cut. even a computer fan and a pound Deli container with some hole drilled in it. 2 or 3 might be over kill for a 3x3 area but i can never be too care.ful


Well-Known Member
Sweet, thanks for the reply. I have the ona gel and i thought that disk might be something better. Good luck with the grow!


Active Member
HOT DAMN im excited, This weekend Im going to a house up in the woods. AND i just happen to have about 18 "BITCHES*" to stick in the ground. Its the perfect spot. 50 Acres no people plenty of amazing soil and sun sun sun. they probally wont finish until oct but they will be HUGE (they are from my rabid Snow White). Ill only be able to check on them once a month but whatever. if they grow they grow. Im gunna have a nice batch in the comfort of my home real soon. WHICH, brings me to todays pics

So the first pic one of my girls blossoming into a fine young lady.
The second pic is my little homemade Vegg box.

#1 - Is my beast of a SnowWhite (shes so bad I put her in the corner, she dosent know how to behave) The clones for upstate are hers. I have a feeling that they will love to roam free
#2 - Is my Momma NLx (I took alot of clones from her)
#3 is a clone of #2
#4 is hiding in the back. Shes a clone of #1
#5 is a SnowWhite i planted in a flower planter and she popped up fast so i kept her and shes quite the trained little girl. Very propper.
#6 is #5's grouchy old sister. Shes bigger but a little slow. Dosent have the spark of #5
And finally #7 The retard siamese twin. (shes the first clone from #1. The only survivor of the frist cloning attempt) Check out her twisty leaves

So those are my Vegg ladies. They are all female because they all have been cloned and sexed. I had some amazing luck. Nirvana seeds. all the way in my book. Well thats it for now. ill reup when i get back from the woods.



Well-Known Member
I would not be able to sleep with that lighting set-up.. To me it screams FIRE.. that is NOT what those 5-6 ways are made for ...


Active Member
you know the yeast and sugar trick for Co2 right? well it also helps immensely with odor! you cant even smell my plants if youre in the same room!