
Well-Known Member
Thanks Bubba :)
Without a doubt these clones are showing mom how it's done :bigjoint:
They are so much further along than mom was at this point. I can't wait to see how spectacular the next crop will be...I have 15 more clones in my veg tent :mrgreen:
After that I'm hoping to be running something special that I got from a friend :mrgreen:
15 clones lol! ur gonna need a bigger closet! after nov 4th ill go halfsies with you lol :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I probably won't flower them all...or I might flower in my closet and my tent...I dunno...I sense a competition on the horizon ;)

Are you moving down after the election Bubba? :cool:
i very well might.... me and the hubby have been discussing it. my mom is moving out of her house next year, that would be a house i can rent/buy. he has a good job he is reluctant to leave which i totally understand. at the same time we have been together long enough he knows what this business can do for us. he has seen my brother do very well in CO so i may have him convinced.


Well-Known Member
im ready to throw everything down and take the chance on what i know best! put my business and chemistry behind me and become a full time farmer again :bigjoint: its truly my deepest of passions and personally from the bottom of my heart i think i have something i could contribute to the cannabis community with my scientific background. with the prohibition there has not been many scientific minds working on cannabis in the united states, Isreal yes but not here in the us. i for one think that its time to change that damn it!


Well-Known Member
im ready to throw everything down and take the chance on what i know best! put my business and chemistry behind me and become a full time farmer again :bigjoint: its truly my deepest of passions and personally from the bottom of my heart i think i have something i could contribute to the cannabis community with my scientific background. with the prohibition there has not been many scientific minds working on cannabis in the united states, Isreal yes but not here in the us. i for one think that its time to change that damn it!
Follow your heart Bubba...after all...
We're here for a good time not for a long time :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The purpose of this thread is to give all the ladies a place to show off their growing skills and share growing tips and ideas.
It's not just a man's game...girls can grow too :P
All female growers are invited to post pics and leave thoughts and ideas for others :weed:
I just now came across this thread, and I have to wife and her sister do a hell of a job, it's not just me, we had several big grows going when we first started, haha it got hectic after awhile so we're back to smaller perp grow now, and their just as good if not better at it then me :clap: it's all love and compliments for my 2 beautiful ladies of the I lovingly call them...:hump:


Well-Known Member
Please do :)

I will warn you out for herms on DnS seeds...seems they didn't stabilize their strains before "release"

And "internal problems" is putting it mildly...more like total crash and burn...and burn a few more on his way down if you know what I mean :bigjoint:
Ahhhhh, that's what happened to them :evil: I just came back, took a break to build my new house :hump: and wondered where they went, no one would give me a straight answer...what about Bakatare666, do you know what happened with him?


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhh, that's what happened to them :evil: I just came back, took a break to build my new house :hump: and wondered where they went, no one would give me a straight answer...what about Bakatare666, do you know what happened with him?
I believe Bak is over at thctallk...
Dank screwed a lot of people over...that's what happened to him, and now he's banned


Well-Known Member
hey hey, MD914 you know your ladies are killing it right? so beautiful!
I hope it's Ok to post pics? I'm not going to flood the thread or anything, just really happy I have a camera now that ( new phone)
I can show off my girls properly. it's 130 in the morning so I snapped 2 one is either GDP or God's gift. I dont remember and I'm too sleepy to go check.the other is BBK ( blackberry Kush) started flower on the 25th of july. so about 2 weeks in. well work calls in 5 hours so sleep tight RIU! GDP.jpg BBK.jpg