Give Blood....

I work in an ER and I'm O- blood type. I donate every chance I get.

I see how much blood we use in our Level 1 Trauma Center and I realize its importance, especially a universal blood type like mine.

We see people all the time who were minding their own business and suddenly were involved in a traumatic accident and are losing lots of blood and need infusions STAT.

please donate if you can
My GF's niece was in a head on crash [other car came over the line]...last week, Sunday night...
Her husband was killed...That night the trauma center had 7 level one trauma's ....
Blood is needed all the time...
Your blood is needed right now....

Well Sunni it's like this, if you have been reading along....

Men from the age 40-60 have a twice the chance of getting a heart attack then women...
If men gives blood, according to a 1998 Finnish study, MEN will lower their chance of getting a heart attack by 88% !

Women, loose [as you know] blood every month... their IRON levels are much lower than mens...
You NEVER hear a healthy man having anemia ... Women get anemic...women lower their iron levels naturally...
When MEN give blood, the IRON levels lower because of the given blood...

If you have high cholesterol with out high iron, you are fine....
If you have high Iron and high cholesterol, heart attack/stroke is your future...
It's the Iron along with the cholesterol that turns the cholesterol to plaque....
That is the issue....Give blood, lesson your chance of heart attack and stroke... it's that simple...

This works best in men... whom do not loose blood monthly... women over the age of 55 should also give blood to lesson the chance of the high iron in the blood causing the arteries to turn hard with plaque...

Men also eat more MEAT than women [men eat more, because we are larger] IRON, enriched foods, meat even white bread has enriched Iron... added iron, which raises the level of iron in your blood will eventually kill you...

Since EVERYONE should give blood... and only about 4% of those eligible give... I wonder what the heck...
Maybe, as a MAN.... I can get other men to give, if they think there is some gain [self gain] to giving blood...
There is so much gain to one's self when you give blood I can not even explain...
Besides, the euphoric pleasure of thinking I might save a life... I am getting myself healthier....I want all men to experience th joy of giving...
Men can feel better than ever... and lesson their chance of getting a heart attack if they give blood... it is that simple...
giving blood is awesome.
i dont doubt that
but ..if youre doing it for health reasons why not just eat properly?
giving blood is awesome.
i dont doubt that
but ..if youre doing it for health reasons why not just eat properly?

Not doing it for health benefits ...
4 % of men that are eligible to give blood give blood... they give because they want to give...
that 4 % is a constant... doesn't really go up or down...
The FDA has determined that the ARC can not offer any or tell the giver that there is any wise to give blood...
So the FDA keeps the blood supply short... when there is a shortage... blame the FDA...
What I want those that may want some personal improvement to understand, the FDA does not want you to know...
THE ARC/FDA does not want you to give blood if you think there may be health benefits...
THAT IS PLAIN WRONG TO ME! Because there are health benefits!
I'm in excellent health BP-110/74 and pulse of 54 as of 7am this morn....
Am I an elite athlete with those numbers? Hell no, I don't even work out any more...

There is no pain to giving blood...
There is only gain... You help others... and Instant Karma... You get unknown and unpublished info right here.... you will get healthy...
give blood...

I say if you don't give blood, you are passing an easy opportunity to help yourself get healthier, while helping humanity....

I am not preaching to those that give... No, those 4 percent that give, you already know....

I am talking to and trying to reach just one or two of the other 96% that could give, and don't!!!

I had a dream:
A person on RIU read this give blood thread. Then he went to give blood. He found out he had a high iron count...
He already knew he had high cholesterol.... so he goes to doc... the doc checks him, they find blockage...
This reader of this thread lives without a heart attack..... OK so he has a five pass... he lives....

Well... that's my dream... now, go give blood and save a life....
Maybe it will be yours....If I didn't pass this info, on... and later someone on RIU had a heart attack....
I'd blame myself in part....
You don't get it sunni.... I have to post this info... over and over I will ....
Some one on RIU is not going to die, because of this info....

I say if you don't give blood, you are passing an easy opportunity to help yourself get healthier, while helping humanity....

I am not preaching to those that give... No, those 4 percent that give, you already know....

I am talking to and trying to reach just one or two of the other 96% that could give, and don't!!!

I had a dream:
A person on RIU read this give blood thread. Then he went to give blood. He found out he had a high iron count...
He already knew he had high cholesterol.... so he goes to doc... the doc checks him, they find blockage...
This reader of this thread lives without a heart attack..... OK so he has a five pass... he lives....

Well... that's my dream... now, go give blood and save a life....
Maybe it will be yours....If I didn't pass this info, on... and later someone on RIU had a heart attack....
I'd blame myself in part....
You don't get it sunni.... I have to post this info... over and over I will ....
Some one on RIU is not going to die, because of this info....
dude all i was saying was you should include the women as well...youre taking offense to something out of context.
what i was trying to say is that,
if youre giving blood awesome, and everyone should but you should also consider a healthy diet, not just giving blood to be healthier
sorry you took it the wrong way
what i was trying to say is that,
if youre giving blood awesome, and everyone should but you should also consider a healthy diet, not just giving blood to be healthier
sorry you took it the wrong way
Well... The getting healthy is a bi-product, and a side effect of giving blood....
The FDA says to the ARC you can not tell those that give blood that it is good for them...
The FDA can lick my ... sweaty.................feet....
You will get healthier, by accident if you give blood...

The reason I "ONLY" included my plea to men... is women rid themselves of the extra iron... naturally....
Men... why not just try giving need to get rid of the extra iron... extra iron in your blood is not good for you...

Can you can have high cholesterol and not know it of course....
Can you have high iron levels in your blood and not know it? Of course...
Now, in case you didn't already know....
If you have both, you are on the pathway for stroke and heart attack...
Because the iron changes your cholesterol to plaque in your arteries....
Plaque in arteries is bad... real bad...
If your dad, uncle, brother had any heart issue... it's also in your DNA...

The Finnish study done in 1998-Only White men [Finland] and no women... so the facts are following those that gave blood through their lifetimes, they had a 88% less chance of getting a heart attack, or stroke...and they only had to give blood once a year to get the benefits...

IDK... if someone told me I could lesson my chance of heart attack, or stroke [and maybe cancer] if I gave blood once a year...
I might just try and give me some blood away....
Thanks for helping me get the word out...
I know... I know what's happening, and I appreciate it....
One last thing MEN:

Take preventative actions when you hear about them...
Personally, I just started too give blood, for to help others....
After I gave a few times... I started to see and feel changes in myself...
When I went to my doc for my yearly blood tests, to my surprise.... I had gotten healthier...
Opps... by accident....
Men take all kinds of age related drugs... the FDA/Doc's are treating your symptom and side effects of poor life choices....
There are all kinds of ED drugs on the market...ED drugs are treating a side effect of a health issue men have, there are many reasons a man between the age of 40-60 may need an ED drug...
If you are a healthy 25 year old... you don't need a ED drug... you might take one for fun, however you don't need it...
As you age your blood viscosity thickens, it's a natural process... why do doctors tell men over 40 to take a baby aspirin...
Because the blood thickens, and as we age a baby aspirin helps...
Give blood, and your body will naturally make young thin replace the old blood...
Seriously... it's that easy... and the side effect to thin blood is increased blood flow... yes that kind also!
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You gave someone hope this summer.

Calendars fill up fast – especially in the summer with ball games, family vacations and other fun activities. Thank you for choosing your day and giving blood!

Your donation is critically important, and gave someone hope this summer - someone like Hollie.

Hollie, a Red Cross blood donor, found herself on the other side of the blood bag. After experiencing complications during the birth of her daughter, Bonnie, she required multiple pints of red blood cells. The donations she received were an exceptional gift at the most physically and emotionally vulnerable time of her life, and she is thankful for donors like you!

Remember you can donate whole blood every 56 days, #ChooseYourDay again andschedule a future donation now!

Stay inspired this summer: read amazing stories and participate in promotional giveaways here.


Gave Blood again today...

If you have never considered giving blood.... you are not alone...
'Only' 4 % that are eligible give blood...
four percent.... that's terrible...

The Health Benefits of giving blood...

Giving one of your pints... [you have between 10-13] helps many strangers and those in need...
Instant Karma gets you...