Give Me 2.8 Trillion Or Granny Gets No Check


Well-Known Member
Funny how most of the people at the tea bag rallies where middle aged and older, some of them even old enough to see the sacrifices of "the greatest generation", By the way members of that generation didnt beleive in going over seas and doing police actions which is why we stayed out of WW2 until the last possible minute. something that saved us years and years in a quagmire like iraq and afghanistan, check you history tard,
Correct, and there was a direct threat against the U.S., German U-boats were sinking our shipping. Iraq was never a direct threat, and once the training camps were wiped out neither was Afghanistan.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
i can tell the right wing media has this newatit kid complete wrapped up with their propaganda.

I just don't understand why folks like him fall for everything they hear from the uneducated talking heads that fill his head with such bull shit information. I do laugh my ass off but i just find it odd that people like him subject themselves to such bull shit.

The constitution requires our bills be paid without question. If you have a problem with that, go talk to your god damned piece of paper.

But really, you need to expand your information sources. It's real clear to the rest of us who is pulling the wool over your eyes.
rotflmao... Now the constitution matters.... Rotflmao again!!!!


And of course the principal argument of the left, instead of being about the UNCONSTITUTIONALITY of the law, than becomes whether joe or blow or jim and tim said or not the word "going to jail". Its a brilliant game of deception played out, moving away from the issue at hand and instead creating a tit-for-tat the main topic of the discussion. Of course the mandatory purchase of a product or service by the FED is unconstitutional and illegal and an intrusion, but hey, SF #1 cunt pelosi can tell us "... we have to pass it to see what's in it" and therefore everything is cool and dandy! Excellent! Fucking excellent!


Well-Known Member
Of course the mandatory purchase of a product or service by the FED is unconstitutional and illegal and an intrusion,
That's not what the courts say.

Where did you get your law degree?


Well-Known Member
Advice to the Left:

Once there was a cat that came by the house, so I fed it. The cat kept coming back, so I fed it some more. Soon, more cats showed up, and I fed them too. Before long, my neighborhood was overrun with cats, and it had become a real problem.

So, I stopped feeding them.

And one by one, the cats went away.

Until there were no cats left.


The intrusion of the Federal Government on people's lives, and that includes Commerce Laws, Federal mandates, Gun control and all the other bullshit, from the 10th to the 17th have only served to terrorize people and control the population through force and intimidation. Don't fool yourself Mr. Brewer, we still have that little paper that says We the People, in larger letters right at the top, for the world to see. And until that paper officially loses its value it will continue to be the law of the land, no matter how many dissenters of the principle behind that paper's instructions.
I follow the principle behind that paper just well as the writer's of it did and that puts you at odds with the present, not me, Sir.
It is you and many others who wish to convince us that it no longer has pertinent value and therefore should not be obeyed or followed. I will not allow, by any means, inclusive rhetorical means, to have it desecrated.
If you are an American you have the power under the liberties given to you by that paper, to petition, to create political movements and to try and convince the people of the land that it is obsolete. What you don't have Sir, is the right to create lies, manufacture situations and environments of distortions and use direct or indirect force through government and courts, to create a false sentiment that said paper is no longer valid. That is treason against the nation in the highest order.

By the way, Woodusa? Gimme five and keep'em loaded!


Well-Known Member
And of course the principal argument of the left, instead of being about the UNCONSTITUTIONALITY of the law, than becomes whether joe or blow or jim and tim said or not the word "going to jail". Its a brilliant game of deception played out, moving away from the issue at hand and instead creating a tit-for-tat the main topic of the discussion. Of course the mandatory purchase of a product or service by the FED is unconstitutional and illegal and an intrusion, but hey, SF #1 cunt pelosi can tell us "... we have to pass it to see what's in it" and therefore everything is cool and dandy! Excellent! Fucking excellent!
he asked for a quote that was factually wrong. so i posted some videos of what he asked for.
the point of them talking about the going to jail thing was to show that they lie to people.


But they all lie to people, Sir! The false idea that when one comes to a forum to defend the COUNTRY as America should be and is immediately viewed as Republican which is completely different of who I am as I consider myself and proclaim to be with no shame at all a Constitutional republican. and that is a HUGE difference. The left and sometimes the right don't understand either way. And Federalism for them is sort of a off shot of militia and therefore you must be a zombie red neck such as I've been called here, and as potus so eloquently put it; they cling to their bibles and guns.
And I ask myself, this nation was founded with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other. And so did every other nation who wants to be free from tyranny and oppression. Perhaps there is something inherently wrong with people's necks. They can never turn around and look at history and see it that all this is a repetition.
The Government can lecture us in the morals of how just it should be to shoot at other people's countries for their government's misbehavior and self serving policies and at the same time sells millions and millions of guns to the rest of the world. And some even close by. Don't be fool, folks. This mexican incident is just a small potato and a diversion. The budget of our military might and machine is a annually ostentation that carries a price tag of around 70 trillion dollars annually of fiat money that will never be repaid because it doesn't need to. Bring your calculator but make sure it has enough digits on it. I'll list all the expenditures that the FED has towards every branch, from the Pentagon to the smallest outpost way far in desert Africa somewhere and I will also include all legal and illegal activities the government sponsors and promotes, from the so called Gray War all the way to area 51 and other areas you never heard about it. The billions and billions that go out of the printing machines with names you never heard before, directed for the sole reason to obtain false security using such rhetoric as "progress and social justice throughout the world" to the public when in fact this is about a premeditated and well organized and criminally controlled, international enterprise - you should listen to John Kennedy, Waldorf-Astoria 1961 - is pretty much the whole snake with head, tail and all. I bet I can make you laugh next time you watch those clowns in Washington babble the words five trillion on tv.
They are all treasonous people, Sir. A self serving horde who manipulates the system at will. The American people are no longer asked what they want. They are simply told what to do because it is better for them. Sheep.


Well-Known Member
since when does the left not care about the constitution? Having a different opinion about the constitutionality of a law does not mean one does not care about the constitution.

But it's not like our opinions matter... The SCOTUS's opinion is the only one that matters, if Obamacare is deemed constitutional by them (5-4 conservative majoirty BTW) than it is constitutional... That's the way it works folks.

I dont know where the "the left doesn't care about the constitution" came from... I certainly care about it.


Well-Known Member
since when does the left not care about the constitution? Having a different opinion about the constitutionality of a law does not mean one does not care about the constitution.

But it's not like our opinions matter... The SCOTUS's opinion is the only one that matters, if Obamacare is deemed constitutional by them (5-4 conservative majoirty BTW) than it is constitutional... That's the way it works folks.

I dont know where the "the left doesn't care about the constitution" came from... I certainly care about it.
it's all they have.

that, and anecdotes about cats.


Well-Known Member
since when does the left not care about the constitution? Having a different opinion about the constitutionality of a law does not mean one does not care about the constitution.

But it's not like our opinions matter... The SCOTUS's opinion is the only one that matters, if Obamacare is deemed constitutional by them (5-4 conservative majoirty BTW) than it is constitutional... That's the way it works folks.

I dont know where the "the left doesn't care about the constitution" came from... I certainly care about it.
And actually it is the Right that wants to change the Constitution. Appears to me that it is the Right that doesn't care about it. If they did care about it, they wouldn't be so hell bent on changing the parts of it that they don't like.


Well-Known Member
And actually it is the Right that wants to change the Constitution. Appears to me that it is the Right that doesn't care about it. If they did care about it, they wouldn't be so hell bent on changing the parts of it that they don't like.
they want to get rid of the first amendment, especially if you are muslim-y and live in nyc.

they want to get rid of the 14th amendment, especially if you are the son or daughter of illegal immigrants, or if they want to default in hopes of making the president look bad.

they want to get rid of the 16th amendment, because they should not have to help pay the bills, they only want to enjoy the results.

i could go on. something tells me they are not thrilled with the 19the amendment, either. that was not what the founding fathers wanted!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Divide and conquer - that is the mantra of those in power.
While we all concentrate on the woes of the __________ Party (insert the party you most dislike) while the man behind the curtain continues to pull his levers.
Until we can see through this facade we are all Sheep !


Well-Known Member
That's not what the courts say.

Where did you get your law degree?
Yes, because federal judges aren't swayed by politics. Besides:

Judge Roger Vinson, in Pensacola, Fla., ruled that as a result of the unconstitutionality of the "individual mandate" that requires people to buy insurance, the entire law must be declared void.

"I must reluctantly conclude that Congress exceeded the bounds of its authority in passing the act with the individual mandate. That is not to say, of course, that Congress is without power to address the problems and inequities in our [COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important]health [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important]care[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] system. The health care market is more than one-sixth of the national economy, and without doubt Congress has the power to reform and regulate this market. That has not been disputed in this case. The principal dispute
has been about how Congress chose to exercise that power here," Vinson wrote.
"While the individual mandate was clearly 'necessary and essential' to the act as drafted, it is not 'necessary and essential' to health care reform in general," he continued. "Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void."

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Man, the federal government mandates every aspect of our lives. Low-flush toilets, what kind of light bulbs we use, speed limits on Interstates, and on and on. Now they want to mandate that everyone buys an insurance policy. I can hardly wait until some Bozo like Obama dictates that we have to buy a plug-in car and a beanie hat with a propeller on top.

What exactly was it that you were celebrating this past Fourth of July?


Well-Known Member
Man, the federal government mandates every aspect of our lives. Low-flush toilets, what kind of light bulbs we use, speed limits on Interstates, and on and on. Now they want to mandate that everyone buys an insurance policy. I can hardly wait until some Bozo like Obama dictates that we have to buy a plug-in car and a beanie hat with a propeller on top.

What exactly was it that you were celebrating this past Fourth of July?
fireworks are illegal here now, we didn't celebrate much. :(

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
The're illegal here too. So's drinking a beer and smoking a stogie on the beach.

See what happens guys? We let them outlaw ganja and we gave women the vote and the whole world goes to hell in a hand basket. :)