Phillip J Fry
Active Member
I hear that..Texas pot laws suck corndog!
Boy, you sure know what you're doing. Amazing.that corndog photo ==> classic
few newer lab pics... now full. it love it love it.
1. yrs experience - 3
2. Type of grow (ebb, dwc, aero, etc) - Used to do outdoor, but now DWC
3. Type of grow (sog, scrog, bushy, etc) - Straight up, FIMing or topping to create a level canopy
4. which nutes? - Earth Juice.. for now.. I want to get out of organics though
5. PPM (min to max used through out) - Feeding schedules are a bit more reliable than testing a general salt level..
6. Lighting? (type in veg and bloom) - 250w MH for both
7. PH? (where you set it) - 6.0 - 7.0 Because my tap water stays this way.
8. Days in veg? - Last grow.. none. This grow? 2 months
9. Normal Temps and RH? - Night time is 60*F and at the end of 18 hrs light it gets up to 85*. Humidity is low, I have air outflow.
10. One plants avg yield? - 2-4 ounces with veg time, under half an ounce without
This is true growing geekdom. Do I sense an excel spreadsheet on the horizon?I can't wait to see a(n) compilation/average.
Hump de bump-- doo baduuu
Even better.. I should just write a C++ Program that lets me enter the data and outputs averages..This is true growing geekdom. Do I sense an excel spreadsheet on the horizon?
Like.. dry ice sieving?the rest goes to the ice bags
I like your outdoorsy farmer vibe. You clearly have us all beat on yield per plant stat. You are a true ganja farmer. Now if cows ate nothing but weed, would their milk be canna-butter ready? Hmmm...Bubble hash/ice bags. and other stuff. oil's and butter
This very possible lol.This is true growing geekdom. Do I sense an excel spreadsheet on the horizon?