Give me your 2 cents!


So, in this thread I am going to post pics from about 6 1/2 weeks of veg to about 8 weeks of veg, and i am just looking for pointers/advise this is my first run and it is looking to be good...Have been strugglin with temps but all seems to be well. I have 4 26w (100w) CFLS, and one 16" grow light glowing upward to really get in there, As you will see, I have a tower fan, little dish of water for humidity control be hind the fan is an opening which is covered with a custom filter for my intake, also behind there is a tall skinny squirt bottle which has active yeah and water for c02, On the top right side of my box is a 9" outtake fan with a custom built carbon filter...But any ways I can get a little more deeper if there is any help and or comments....But yeah, Thanks in advance ,
Peace and Blessings....



Active Member
they look like they may be getting watered to often, you need to let your soil get some what dry before watering again, but dont let them get bone dry. It could be a heat issue as well try keeping your temps below 85 with lights on.

It also loos like that fan may be blowing directly on the plant that can harm them as well.

A plant that size in a pot that size should need water about every 4 to 6 days, unless a fan is blowing on the pot than it will dry faster.

Go to a feed, feed, water cycle if you not on one already.that just my 2 cents.


Well RyDub, The fan is on medium and it oscillates, left to right I have always read that that will help develop strong branches,and the lil gal, and am taking LST to the max with her, it would stand about 7" but I keep on tying it dow, and like I said on the real sexy gal, I just SC it today as well...But everything else looks okay? There are a few spots gathering on a few fans, but I think I just splashed it with my nute mix. which is just a fish fert...but yeah thanks for the cents, if you got any more, just lemme know..