part time grower326
Well-Known Member
I plan on buying this cabinet and turning it into a grow cabinet.I like it because it will be easy to cut holes for fans and anything else.where I'm stuck is with current micro box is using CFLs (2-68w and 2-55w) but I want to get out of the CFLs because I want better yields and bigger plants.I've looked at 400w mh/hps but I feel that will
make that size cabinet too hot unless I plan on mounting huge fans and I'm trying to keep it kinda stealthyI've looked into led but to get one that everyone says isn't junk is outrageous in price (which I'm trying to keep low) and also that some agent getting great results with what's your opinion for something this size.I plan on mounting whatever lights I use to the very top and removing the shelves
as needed.
I plan on buying this cabinet and turning it into a grow cabinet.I like it because it will be easy to cut holes for fans and anything else.where I'm stuck is with current micro box is using CFLs (2-68w and 2-55w) but I want to get out of the CFLs because I want better yields and bigger plants.I've looked at 400w mh/hps but I feel that will
make that size cabinet too hot unless I plan on mounting huge fans and I'm trying to keep it kinda stealthyI've looked into led but to get one that everyone says isn't junk is outrageous in price (which I'm trying to keep low) and also that some agent getting great results with what's your opinion for something this size.I plan on mounting whatever lights I use to the very top and removing the shelves
as needed.