Give your top MJ books or videos


Well-Known Member
Hello my fellow RIU members, I have put this thread up so all of us can benefit.

So down to it. If you have books or dvds that will help others with the growth of there plants, including all forms (indoor, outdoor, soil, soil less, hydro, pest control, ect.)

1) Marijuana Horticulture (The indoor/outdoor MEDICAL grower's bible) Book-
2) High Times Jorge Cervantes Ultimate grow dvd.
step by step instructions for beginners, hydro and advanced techniques, how to make your own hash



Well-Known Member
my own comments
We'd call that a new "thread" - just pick a forum where your new thread belongs (General Marijuana Growing, Newbie Central, etc..), towards the bottom of the page, you'll see a button that says: new thread - click that and the rest is just like any other post/comment.

If you are still confused - let me know - i'll do some screen grabs to show you.


Well-Known Member
for someone new on a limited budget:
Marijuana Buds for less: Grow 8oz. of bud for less than $100 (one of our own)
for hydro:
Grow Great Marijuana - Logan Edwards
for general Q&A:
The Best of Ask Ed

Plus the others already mentioned. Though you should be seeing some awesome horticulture/botany and chemistry books from another thread i saw today. if you really want to become a guru grower


Well-Known Member
I would like to all types so I can check them out myself.

Maybe we should have some type of rating ie: 1-10, 10 being the highest.