giving a speech baked


Active Member
Anybody ever gave a speech for a speech class or even a business presentation while baked? How baked?

I've thought about it cause I hate giving speeches, but I already get some paranoia from weed, to where being in classes while I'm stoned can practically make me freak out sometimes.


Well-Known Member
in my philosophy class you have to present your argument in front of the class (32+ people) i remember once i had to present an argument on determinism and free will, i was so baked i became really paranoid, however being really high seemed to help me argue my point and i actually got a A- for my argument, i remember as i left the class my teacher stopped me and said ' you would have looked less high if you had stopped swaying from side to side as you spoke' i just replied 'i had no choice but to get high ;))


Active Member
That's awesome. I think giving a speech baked is like a level up in pothead.

I don't know if I'd do better but the speech would be way longer with way too much awkward silences.


lmfao @ both of those responses!

I've never given a speech high before, but I have answered a few accounting questions baked out of my mind. From what I can remember, it made me quick as fuck on the mind trigger and I got shit perfect, so I'd reccomend you try it at least once.

If you do you gotta post your results!


Well-Known Member
never actually had to present cos if i have to i make sure i dont smoke before hand!

i have had to do the clicking for a presentation to a boardroom full of directors baked and it went OK


Active Member
Dude that's crazy and inspirational. I've been thinking of changing my major to accounting. Took one class in high school before I was a pothead and didn't like it. But these days I think I could totally get into that, working with numbers baked as fuck, like an at home CPA with clients or some shit?

Or maybe like Doug Wilson on Weeds, he's my hero and he's an accountant. I gootta think this over...


Active Member
I had to give some speeches back when i was in school whilst baked. It's not for me! I argued really well, but it took me about an hour to get my point across :oops:


Active Member
so many times ive been high in class and getting called out on everything! while thats how it felt at the time haha math class was the fucking worst . good luck son