Well-Known Member
You don't have, but do bring up, a valid point there. I don't not assume defoliators are automatically referring to stripping the whole plant, on the contrary, I assume that if you take 3 defoliators they all mean something slightly different. And FYI: there have been quite a few defoliators who indeed claim less fans is more bud, how far people take that is rather irrelevant to me.I think the minute someone says "defoliation" everyone automatically assumes you are stripping your whole plant
Removing a handful of leaves imo does not equal a supposed technique some promote for more harvest, that's just "removing a few leaves". Just as tying down a branch isn't LST, just as placing a net above a jungle and ending up with a jungle of bud sites isn't scrogging, just as giving only water isn't flushing a plant, and bending a few branches is not supercropping. Defoliation is presented as a means to increase the yields, which is just bad advice as it's always a situation that should have been avoided if max yield on a given space was the goal in the first place.
So, it's not like the defoliators agree on what defoliating actually entails in practice, so you can't use that as an argument against defolihaters.
Which isn't the goal either. It's to prevent others (readers, future members and lurkers) from taking over the bad advice presented by defoliators. It's like a virus and just makes the mj grow community collectively a little more one is gonna change the other's mind.
Dude... you are on the wrong side. A defoliator would have removed that fan of which its petiole... sorry, leaf stem, is in the center of the pic. I haven't checked all the pics but that's not like the skinny lanky stretchy defoliated crap skunkd0c referred to as well.Feel free to thumb through my galleries, most are start to finish..

It's not a jungle either... that's actually not too bad bud site spacing. A tad too cramped perhaps, but I like it like that, and then if you feel better if you remove one of those fans on top blocking a bud site next to it... won't hurt the plant, won't increase your yield either.
Perhaps we should set a limit, removing 2 leaves per sqft is not defoliation and not even worth discussing

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