Dude defoliating works, period. Youre basing information written 2 spdecades ago. There have been many studies on how defoliation during flowering which significantly increases yield especially in a cow pea and apple tree study you can read here.
The information you posted is out dated and old and holds no value. Many things have change in the last 20 years brah. Get up with the new age cultivators, defoliation increases yield and plant size. I have done and written studies on it as many other growers have and when done correctly has a direct correlation on increases in yield.
This data also corresponds to what i said anout defoliation during veg which proved it was counter productive and decreased yield. Defoliating during flowering period as the study and research i did was based on research provided in this study which i used as my platform for experimental yield increases with the cannabis plant. My study and research led to the same findings found in this study and had a direct impact on defoliating during flower periods and proved that when done correctly has a positive impact on yields period!!