giving defoliation during flower a try


Well-Known Member
Yeah same difference, its an on going debate of gram per watt, gram per sq/meter or yield per light and end of the day it all the same thing. I like to use yield per light because at end of the day a grsm per watt is same as 2 lbs per 1k light, u know? So dont make a difference to me thats just my reference point i use in determining if everything came out correctly. If i dont hit a gpw+ or 2+ per light, then imo i fucked up.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Im going to the spot in about an hour so u gotta give me a few to get there finish work and get back to post them. Proly be able to put pics up by say 230 roughly. Ill put the photos of my nutrients right in front of my pots so u can see, how advanced "snake oils" really perform. And trust me they work really well.
Dude dont. You just posted some medicine pics. Those are some pretty good pics i guess. Would rather you show some set up with steps to do so as RM3 did. We would all learn more.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Yeah same difference, its an on going debate of gram per watt, gram per sq/meter or yield per light and end of the day it all the same thing. I like to use yield per light because at end of the day a grsm per watt is same as 2 lbs per 1k light, u know? So dont make a difference to me thats just my reference point i use in determining if everything came out correctly. If i dont hit a gpw+ or 2+ per light, then imo i fucked up.
Bro you already said yesterday your vegging with 1k bulbs for a month. You better be hitting 2 a lamp. Some people would already be half way through with there second run already. Smashing your numbers and by the time your final trimming there chopping their second run. Yield per watt is so relative to so many different things.


Well-Known Member
I always find it funny when people get all pissy because a thread took a different direction. Most of the stuff needed was in the first few pages. Who cares what comes after that? even if it stayed on defoil. No one wants to read 88 Pages on that. probably no one is going to read 88 pages of any thread. And you are still here involved in the trainwreck on pg 88, so, aren't you part of the problem?
Yes I am and I'm feeling a tad dirty for it! Slow month I guess. Lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah same difference, its an on going debate of gram per watt, gram per sq/meter or yield per light and end of the day it all the same thing. I like to use yield per light because at end of the day a grsm per watt is same as 2 lbs per 1k light, u know? So dont make a difference to me thats just my reference point i use in determining if everything came out correctly.
"Same difference" in a balanced setup which for a grow shop owner should be easy to achieve so yes, I can agree with that too. Except that 2lbs isn't 1000gram but only 907gram. Same difference again? Nah, the idea of 10% more is worth buying all those bottles... Like I said before, your numbers do not impress me. Not bad though, just normal. Don't need Canna to get that, don't need boosters or w/e, only complete base nutes.

Now imagine people who grow far less than that, yet claim removing leaves from plants helps them get higher yields.... see my problem with that?


Well-Known Member
These are finished pieces of white fire Og and a P that im getting ready bring to dispensary later on today. Just got clean up some leaves and its good to go. So here I just broke up a cola so u can see it, so what u got now? Thats grade A premium right there chump. Hats probably around 17-19% thc. Top seller right here.
Grade A? Top seller? It looks "OK". Definitely would have to do a better trim indeed, but then it still looks like $10-11 per gram indica mutt (based on dutch coffeeshop prices that is), not the $15 stuff I grow.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3300330
These are finished pieces of white fire Og and a P that im getting ready bring to dispensary later on today. Just got clean up some leaves and its good to go. So here I just broke up a cola so u can see it, so what u got now? Thats grade A premium right there chump. Hats probably around 17-19% thc. Top seller right here.
View attachment 3300332
View attachment 3300339
just as I thought, more red haired schwag, don't bring that shit to so cal, you would get laughed out of the state.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing against red haired bud lol

Was gonna upload a pic of one of mine but the forum won't let me, I keep getting an error with no explanation?


Well-Known Member
Idk whenever it gets fixed ill be able to upload if anyone figures it out send a message love to know wtf is going on here.


Well-Known Member
Red hairs have absolutely nothing to do with quality of flowers, its genetics and type of medium you use. Theres absolutely nothing that differentiates premium flowers in regards to color of hairs they produce. So go read a book on genetics maybe then u will understand a little better. Every time u post u just get dumber n dumber. Period

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Red hairs have absolutely nothing to do with quality of flowers, its genetics and type of medium you use. Theres absolutely nothing that differentiates premium flowers in regards to color of hairs they produce. So go read a book on genetics maybe then u will understand a little better. Every time u post u just get dumber n dumber. Period
sorry bro, every time you post pics of your schwag, you just confirm what i keep saying. just saying