Giving my plant 36 Hours of Darkness?


Well im'a go gone for a day and was just hoping if i leave it in the shed for a Day before i get back. Will it cause serious problems or any of any kind of problem? I plan to give them water with fertilizer then put them into the shed for the 36 hour darkness while i'm gone to Fresno to go see my Grampa laid to rest.:cry:

P.S - I am and outdoor grower

Another Question - What happens if i water and fertilize at night? is it Bad?


No worries. I have had the power go off for a few days and no issues. Sorry about your Gramps.
Oh thanks hurts used to raise me when i was young . K good now i have no worries about my plant being left in the shed while I'm gone . Don't want to leave outside because i could come back without it there .