Giving sexual aides to children...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I think it's an over reaction to a problem that we've known about for years and that's high teen pregnancy and std rates which, IMHO, is due to over glamorization of sex in the media and the complete lack of honest discussion about real sexuality.

But giving sex toys to 10 year old kids is pretty sick.


New Member
If teens want playboy or whatever then they need to figure out how to get it for themselves. It encourages creativity.

I always talked to my kids about sex, you have to talk about sex in order to talk about CONDOMS, pregnancy prevention, disease prevention.

We caught our son with a playboy when he was maybe 14 or so (he was creative and managed to get the playboy on his own) and we considered it to be a normal part of male puberty.


Well-Known Member
i think its fucked to give toys to children that young. i agree with misshester. when i was in sixth grade a playboy post card came in the mail with my step dads name on it saying. "Subscribe today for only a dollar an issue!!!" so i scratched his name off wrote mine and sent it in. next month and for the next 2 or 3 years i got a playboy. :) i never had to pay though... i think my parents must of then hahaha


Well-Known Member
i actually still have them in my night stand drawer right here next to me...

i think ill take a trip down memory lane. lol