Giving up smoke for a job, focusing on the grow

Glazers didn't ua, iron workers would thou when you got into the apprenticeship but only that once. This was awhile ago thou. I wonder if that stops contractors giving one before you get on the job. Hall would tell us before we went, they don't want to look bad especially if it's a hiring hall. At least it was that way in the union I was in
Glazers didn't ua, iron workers would thou when you got into the apprenticeship but only that once. This was awhile ago thou. I wonder if that stops contractors giving one before you get on the job. Hall would tell us before we went, they don't want to look bad especially if it's a hiring hall. At least it was that way in the union I was in
I believe each company is going to have their own policy even after legalization

Once they find a universal test for people who are actually inebriated at the time of the drug test, which is the next billion dollar invention, life will be alot easier.
Not sure if this helps- but i have worked on quitting smoking this year and picked up growing.

Couple reasons why- 1) Getting older, waking up every morning with clogged sinuses is WEAK. 2) Waiting in line and showing my ID at the DISPO is both WEAK and UN-COOL. 3) believe that Cannabis being legalized is an effort to keep the population dormant and maybe even 'stupid' (Indica makes me retarted).

My .02

In a slightly related note- I've grown many batches of MUSHROOMS. Once I started growing I wanted to trip less and less. Weird phenomena there.

Hope this was interesting. No judgement on smokers- i will probably relapse many more times.
I have been sober for 2 weeks and I'm considering calling the union and withdrawing my application.

I've talked with my therapist, and she seems to think I would be better off at my current job until the law changes. Im starting to agree.
I read in the 'cannabible vol. 2'-- 'sobriety can be a trip.' Are you 'trippin hard' 2 weeks in??

In my experience- counselors prefer sober patients. VA therapists ive seen seem to remain neutral on pot use but i think their training trains them to believe otherwise deep down.

Ive quit smoking pot several times for significant periods. Quitting is easy but living my life without it is impossible.

Thats why I say I know ill relapse. Have you ever quit before? How did it go? Did you resume life as normal??
I read in the 'cannabible vol. 2'-- 'sobriety can be a trip.' Are you 'trippin hard' 2 weeks in??

In my experience- counselors prefer sober patients. VA therapists ive seen seem to remain neutral on pot use but i think their training trains them to believe otherwise deep down.

Ive quit smoking pot several times for significant periods. Quitting is easy but living my life without it is impossible.

Thats why I say I know ill relapse. Have you ever quit before? How did it go? Did you resume life as normal??
I've quit before for upward of 6 months and I'm not a huge stoner. The prospect of not doing it for 5 years, or doing it and being anxious as fuck about losing my job, house, and ability to grow just has me all depressed. I have a job that is very stressful during the holidays, that ain't helping either.

Im just bummed I can't smoke weed, its not a struggle, if that makes sense.
About 2004 my wife had a chance at a big time job. She would only do it if I game up smoking and growing. The money was good enough I did it without a second thought. (well it took me about six months to smoke the two ounces I had in the freezer, but after that, stopping was easy peasy. When I knew she was retiring, I did start back growing 6 months early, so I actually only stopped for 11 of the 12 years she kept the job) But at the start I had to stop hanging with all my smoking buddies. I dreamed about the social aspects of smoking a lot in the beginning. I did miss growing, but I didn't miss worrying about having weed in the car every time I went somewhere.
Tough call bro. Can only provide 2 scenarios. Hope they are supportive:

My dad was in his 50s. Workout maniac and a small guy(low fat %). retired military and govt employee, alot to lose-He smoked Friday night/all day saturday. we drug tested him Tuesday Night and he passed. Could you try that scenario?

Worked Legal Pot farming for 3 years in Norcal. Linked up with an old guy who worked a trade job for Church & Dwight (Arm and Hammers parent co.). He had a house and family. Told me that years ago his job announced- going forward they would do random drug testing. So he frequently wore fake urine all day/every day and kept smoking. Said it was a hassle but he pulled it off. He eventually figured out a pattern to the testing and only had to wear it part of the time. But still wore it all day a lot.

Maybe a combination of these two would work?

Stay strong.
About 2004 my wife had a chance at a big time job. She would only do it if I game up smoking and growing. The money was good enough I did it without a second thought. (well it took me about six months to smoke the two ounces I had in the freezer, but after that, stopping was easy peasy. When I knew she was retiring, I did start back growing 6 months early, so I actually only stopped for 11 of the 12 years she kept the job) But at the start I had to stop hanging with all my smoking buddies. I dreamed about the social aspects of smoking a lot in the beginning. I did miss growing, but I didn't miss worrying about having weed in the car every time I went somewhere.
I like smoking, I love growing. Even if I take the union job, I would keep growing and just be disciplined. My state is medical, so I'd just have to find patients to sell to, easy peasy. All my friends are stoners and I'm single, so I can't separate myself from the lifestyle completely. I would go insane. Im 27 now, so my priorities will forsure change with time. Im just hoping they legalize this shit in the next 5 years so I can have my cake and eat it too.
Tough call bro. Can only provide 2 scenarios. Hope they are supportive:

My dad was in his 50s. Workout maniac and a small guy(low fat %). retired military and govt employee, alot to lose-He smoked Friday night/all day saturday. we drug tested him Tuesday Night and he passed. Could you try that scenario?

Worked Legal Pot farming for 3 years in Norcal. Linked up with an old guy who worked a trade job for Church & Dwight (Arm and Hammers parent co.). He had a house and family. Told me that years ago his job announced- going forward they would do random drug testing. So he frequently wore fake urine all day/every day and kept smoking. Said it was a hassle but he pulled it off. He eventually figured out a pattern to the testing and only had to wear it part of the time. But still wore it all day a lot.

Maybe a combination of these two would work?

Stay strong.
Here's the thing, I bought a house when I was 23 and I'm still paying it off. I can't afford to risk taking the union job, losing it, and end up losing my house.

I like the suggestion though, thats pretty brilliant
I like smoking, I love growing. Even if I take the union job, I would keep growing and just be disciplined. My state is medical, so I'd just have to find patients to sell to, easy peasy. All my friends are stoners and I'm single, so I can't separate myself from the lifestyle completely. I would go insane. Im 27 now, so my priorities will forsure change with time. Im just hoping they legalize this shit in the next 5 years so I can have my cake and eat it too.

Curious- is there no protection for medical patients with a union position?

My state is legal and medical. My apartment lease has a strict no grow policy written in the lease I signed. Maybe they enforce it, maybe not.

If the union doesnt accept medical now, will they accept legalized use in the future?
Curious- is there no protection for medical patients with a union position?

My state is legal and medical. My apartment lease has a strict no grow policy written in the lease I signed. Maybe they enforce it, maybe not.

If the union doesnt accept medical now, will they accept legalized use in the future?
They are committed to a drug free work place, however that is changing in states where its legal. However, it is complicated because the customer can choose to drug test and they almost always do because its an insurance liability issue.

Since its a schedule 1 substance, it is not recognized as having any medical value, despite over half the states having medical (or legal) cannabis.