Giving your plants a human virus


Well-Known Member
If you ask this question to a lot of ordinary people without a green thumb/knowledge in botany they would likely say ''I don't know''. It's not exactly something that is brought to awareness like salmonella, tetanus, rabies etc.. and for that reason would not be able to give a definitive answer (all be it, the op questions scope is narrow). Maybe I'm projecting, none the less It's not something I've ever given thought to or recall learning about, one way or the other.

Chin up lad, shit happens.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
not so fast you guys in the cheap seats. This is a better question then you would first think. It is assumed that most common colds and flues wont affect your plants. However there are may fungi and diseases and bugs for that matter that can transfer from the grower to the plant or vise versa.

Right.....I get your train of thought......but that's why we go in clean!

As far as actually catching something that is effecting your body - maybe a fungus....But, to pass something by touch contamination, is quite possible. Yet that plant virus can not get into an animal cell......

Yet there are idiots that believe that TMV can be caught by cannabis.... Latest tests out of MSU and still NOT ONE poss. result - EVER! (I was talking to a post grad and his prof just yesterday, on this very subject)

TMV and Sunn hemp virus (Sunn Hemp is a bean) are NOT found in cannabis!