Glad to be a member!


Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. I'm a 44yo male living in Eastern Canada and I'm a full blown lover of cannabis. If I could marry this plant I would. :) I have a few soil grows under my belt but of course I'm still a noob compared to the fine growers here. I know I'll learn lots at this fourm and I'm looking forward to it!

PS. Planning on starting my first Canna coco grow in the next few weeks. Been reading a couple of great threads here about coco but if anyone has some more noob tips for me, please pass them on!

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
Welcome Budder,
It's a great place to learn. Glad to have you aboard and good luck with your grow.
BTW, I'm a Canna user and it's great stuff.
EM :peace:


Thanks man, appreciate the welcome. Coming from only soil grows and no hydro there seems to be more of a learning curve for coco than I first thought. It's all good though as I never get bored learning anything about sweet Mary Jane!