?Glass or Plastic?


Well-Known Member
im new to this drying and curing thing. i use to just hang my plants upside down until they were dried out but then i became a member of this site and relized i was doing it wrong, im gonna be harvesting within the week so i was wondering if glass jars were better then plastic or if it even matters.
any help will be appreciated, thanks rollitup:joint:


Well-Known Member
it doesnt really matter. what matters is that the cintainer is airtight and out of the light. i use large glass jars from the thrift store, since a lot of tupperware is not exactly airtight. late


Well-Known Member
yea thanks man thats what i figured. i knew they needed to be air tight but not if it mattered on the jar material.


Well-Known Member
why use something as impure as plastic. the curing process is where the bud gets part of its soul, glass jars are cheap as hell anyway. just buy some bigass jelly jars man. good luck and happy harvest.


Well-Known Member
yea im gonna hit up wally world and buy a few glass jars i think, i just dont want baggies because my buds are very triched out and i dont want it sticking all over the bag. peace


Active Member
hey man i actually have like spegetti sauce glass jars and kool aid plastic container things for my small buds, the spegetti sauce jars are air tight and free when i get hungry