Glendale Dispensary Approved 25 Mile Law Starts Tomorrow

When the county attorney, attorney general and other state officials start talking about federal law it makes me pay the fuck attention to those laws. Just because or and wa will be besieged does not mean the Dea offices in phx and Tucson will cease to exist. The dea already has been active here busting clubs. It is about money for them they always go after high dollar targets because they can seize all ur shit and you will never get it back whether they bring charges or not. You are in clear violation of federal law. Save ur money for state legal fight because you will lose against the federal government every time. This is not made up or what I think will happen this is what gas been going on in many Med states California having the most instances and history.
Dispensary Support Systems, they were hyping black domina all over their facebook...
Possible foreshadow of the meds to come.

1000 plants facility of what?
Patients are tired of being bent over.
Im going right back to pain pills and Regular mexican brick once they cut grow rights out, i got 1.5 years left of school then im OUT to U of Washington.

Im not gonna buy 400 oz, after only paying 200 for so long. I CAN afford it, but i refuse to patronize people that talk like 1930's union breaker ("anyone protesting will be stomped out by me and my boys", what a fuck stick LV is). His attitude seems to be the attitude of every dispensary owner "ya it sucks about your grow rights, but what can we do?? BTW heres 400 bucks worth of subpar herbs that cost me 100 or less to grow.". No thanks.

Ill go back to supporting the nice Mexican that sell me a qp of low mids for 160 so i can smoke blunts all day. Id rather support my dealers kids and family then some rich profiteering asshole trying to money rape us all in the name of compassion.
Federal mandatory minimum sentences
100-999 plants, 5 years
1000-9999, 10 years
10,000-59,999, 20 years
60,000+, possible death penalty
It will be interesting to see what is on the shelves come opening day and at what cost.
Owners dont care as long as shit sells...
But, their initial rep is on the line and many patients dont have a problem turning back to the clubs for meds.

Ryan Hurley, Rose Law Group... Arizona Organix seems like the sacrificial lamb considering the amount of clients rose reps.
Good for them. Hence the reason we have 10% going into a Legal fund

"Going" as in the present or "going"" as in the future?

When the county attorney, attorney general and other state officials start talking about federal law it makes me pay the fuck attention to those laws. Just because or and wa will be besieged does not mean the Dea offices in phx and Tucson will cease to exist. The dea already has been active here busting clubs. It is about money for them they always go after high dollar targets because they can seize all ur shit and you will never get it back whether they bring charges or not. You are in clear violation of federal law. Save ur money for state legal fight because you will lose against the federal government every time. This is not made up or what I think will happen this is what gas been going on in many Med states California having the most instances and history.

DEA and PHX pd have had joint operations for quit some time folks...

Where the power of the Phx pd lacks the DEA stands to help - vise versa... Its be like ICE/Border Patrol driving around with Sheriff Joe

Dispensary Support Systems, they were hyping black domina all over their facebook...
Possible foreshadow of the meds to come.

1000 plants facility of what?
Patients are tired of being bent over.

Facebook has been getting folks shut down... Maybe it will help?
Dispensary Support Systems, they were hyping black domina all over their facebook...
Possible foreshadow of the meds to come.

1000 plants facility of what?
Patients are tired of being bent over.

I don't know if that's good or bad, never heard of that strain.

Is that your company by chance?
I have a sneaking sucspision I would not want to be associated with the quality of meds that will initially be available from any dispensary, if that answers your question.
Maybe there has been a serious progressive effort from this group in the last few months to obtain elites, at least for patients sake.
IMO, now that many patients are facing grow restrictions, it will be even harder for top shelf cuts to make it into the hands of non-profit owners. Whether this is out of spite or simply because growing at home will soon be illegal, I am unsure...

Until a dispensary puts in the work and starts pheno hunting from scratch, the gene pool in az will remain the same, lack luster.
[h=1]NORML in Gilbert Meeting[/h]

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2012
    7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

  • Cafe Posada
    25 E Ray Rd, Gilbert, AZ (map)
    take the Gilbert exit from US 60 and head south to Ray. Find us on the southeast corner of Gilbert and Ray Road

If they restrict cultivation when a dispensary is approved to operate but is not dispensing meds, then Leo along with Dea will shut dispensaries down and then everyone will still be denied cultivation as well as no access to medicine. The state has figured out a new tactic to allow the law but eliminate any legal supply so they can continue to make arrests.
We all should kindly post on Humbles blog about the operational quandary, just so it goes public on AZDHS, hopefully one post will past the moderators test. Janice and all other officials under her thumb want nothing more than the program to cave on itself. They are figuring out how to thwart the will of the voters w/o having to blatantly say fuck you patients anymore. Look at all the money the program has made in the last year, probably one of the more lucrative revenue streams for the state solely from cards and dispensary applications. Joe, Brewer, Horne and Montgemery all sit around a table with $100 glasses of scotch and talk about how to take down the devils lettuce and how they are practically immune to any persecution ever. Joe needs his prisons filled and Arizona probably realized they make more money from small possession busts of students and minorities etc than the program, which they screwed from the get go, is currently generating. That is what happens when people, only interested in the financial outcome of the program, are tasked to write the bylaws and regs. AZDHS doesn't seem to think its strange at all how Arizona Organix is going to freely obtain medicine, regardless of that being in the job description. They don't care either because it stops home cultivation.
Back to felony arrests for a gram in AZ and patients being busted for attempting to grow something worthy of the title, "medicine" while that was the only true legal outlet due to political tactics. If patients and caregivers can find the strains and grow dank in an empty bedroom with limited funds, time and resources, dispensaries have no fucking excuse to stock trash. Now we are expected to rely on business that probably have very little cultivation experience that is just looking to come out of the red. FYI the dank at the markets is around $40 donation, if patients and caregivers can offer those prices on small 12-24-48 plant grows, once again dispensaries have no excuse for high priced herb.

CO is starting to sound better and the people who are making moves have already hit the ground running.
According to the annual report the department of health services has about $5.8 million in the general mmj fund with expenditures only reaching about $1.3 million I think.

Someone is eyeing that money very greedily....
If they restrict cultivation when a dispensary is approved to operate but is not dispensing meds, then Leo along with Dea will shut dispensaries down and then everyone will still be denied cultivation as well as no access to medicine. The state has figured out a new tactic to allow the law but eliminate any legal supply so they can continue to make arrests.
I think you right on this one I see the director on tv with a big grin on his face and arpaio has been quite their is something going on here why would chose glendale first tucson has been ready for 3 month know its because Glendale is centraly located and according to them covers the whole valley uhhhhhh
That sounds about right...
we knew the state would try to shut it down.

Isn't there that "Uninterrupted supply" clause that can be used. y/n?
Betwween Horne, Montgomerey, Brewer, Arpaio, Local PD, LEO and FEDS this dispensary will be under a microscope and no doubt a raid will be authorized once this place has, "grown product from seed in 8 weeks" or has "freely excepted donated meds.". NOTHING in the world is free, somewhere money has been or will be transferred under a separate guise to compensate for the meds. An audit will figure this out down the road.. NO marijuana is ever free, no matter how many paper trails or cash transaction are used to cover up the smell. The state has been itching for a group to open, W/O a judges ruling and even with one, this place is going to be a facing serious obstacles. All the politicians above have the agenda to cease home growing and hopefully halt dispensaries and what better way then fear. To strike fear into other hopefuls, they will use Arizona Organix as an example to set the stage for dispensaries attempting to open in Maricopa county. With no official ruling, those politico cowboys think that they can interpret and enforce the law any way they want, w/o serious recourse. Arizona Organix solely put the 25 mile rule into effect without a responsible/compassionate way for patients to receive meds, there initial reputation, before their doors are even open, obviously has no concern for patients. The owners are well aware that what they are doing is a make or break situation for patient/caregiver cultivation and possibly even dispensaries. The greed associated with mmj $$$ is disgusting and no doubt this place with be taking after the 2811 club with exorbitant prices because they are technically the only legal outlet.

The Legit RIU growers should show up to this place, on opening day, with medicine to freely donate, half ounce or ounce etc.. Be a big boy/girl and overcome giving meds away to the scum operators or hand it out to the line of waiting patients. From there sit back and watch how true cultivators dank flies off the shelves while the meds this place will be stocking for years to come sits and gets stale. Owners will be questioning their tactics, growers and medicine in no time.
I think you right on this one I see the director on tv with a big grin on his face and arpaio has been quite their is something going on here why would chose glendale first tucson has been ready for 3 month know its because Glendale is centraly located and according to them covers the whole valley uhhhhhh

More worried about PHX pd... You thought Joe was corrupt...........

I need pot for the beaten given to me by the PHX pd back in 2003
The Legit RIU growers should show up to this place, on opening day, with medicine to freely donate, half ounce or ounce etc.. Be a big boy/girl and overcome giving meds away to the scum operators or hand it out to the line of waiting patient

I have thought about this.