Glenn Beck Tells Audience He Might Be Going Blind......


Well-Known Member
Dude how many times has that one worked on your friends i have more passion and knowledge in my spit than you would about these issues, i like how you act like you know what your talkin about tho, your a good bullshiter
I don't know how many times it has worked since I don't really interact with people because I came to the realization years ago that people are fucking morons, so what's the point in arguing with them? Bull shitter? I couldn't hold a candle to Glen Beck in that regard and you seem to be an avid supporter of his rhetoric. So I highly doubt you could decipher bullshit, but I appreciate your well educated judgment of the two lines I wrote.

I am well aware of the issues of political corruption, NWO, police state, civil liberties, war profiteering, and the list goes on. I came to my own conclusions through personal experiences and spending quality time in the library, not sitting my ass in front of the TV listening to some mainstream nut job who is making millions of dollars off his fear mongering performance. Who, may I add, is an employee of the FOX news corporation which is owned and controlled by the same 5 companies that own and control all the spin off TV networks. Getting all fired up and frothing at the mouth just makes you look like an imbecile not to mention posting in a weed growing forum thinking it's going to change anything. You can't change peoples point of views, they have to come to that conclusion on their own or be led by some jackass who has their best interests at heart, but those people are just weak minded to begin with. So in conclusion do me a favor, turn off the TV, smoke a joint, and think what you can do to help fix the problems instead of posting useless nonsense that continue to fuel the fire of hate.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I don't know how many times it has worked since I don't really interact with people because I came to the realization years ago that people are fucking morons, so what's the point in arguing with them? Bull shitter? I couldn't hold a candle to Glen Beck in that regard and you seem to be an avid supporter of his rhetoric. So I highly doubt you could decipher bullshit, but I appreciate your well educated judgment of the two lines I wrote.

I am well aware of the issues of political corruption, NWO, police state, civil liberties, war profiteering, and the list goes on. I came to my own conclusions through personal experiences and spending quality time in the library, not sitting my ass in front of the TV listening to some mainstream nut job who is making millions of dollars off his fear mongering performance. Who, may I add, is an employee of the FOX news corporation which is owned and controlled by the same 5 companies that own and control all the spin off TV networks. Getting all fired up and frothing at the mouth just makes you look like an imbecile not to mention posting in a weed growing forum thinking it's going to change anything. You can't change peoples point of views, they have to come to that conclusion on their own or be led by some jackass who has their best interests at heart, but those people are just weak minded to begin with. So in conclusion do me a favor, turn off the TV, smoke a joint, and think what you can do to help fix the problems instead of posting useless nonsense that continue to fuel the fire of hate.
I can't add anything because you stole this from me before I could post it. :) after he failed to state anything other than regurgations of articles and tv videos I stopped caring. He's a sheep. Let him be led. Its a pretty long fall off that cliff into the ocean of bullshit glen spews so...I hope you packed a parachute buddy cause when he dies or when fox gets bored of him...then how will you make decisions about how you should feel and what you should think? Oh noes!!!!! Ask glen to pray for you. And the rest of the crazy people he calls "supporters." Also if you know glen is biased then why do you watch?

Check the definition of biased. I wouldn't believe news from a biased person. Considering it mainly means you know everything he says is OPINION based. Please don't post that gay article....your really worried about the black panthers? The Black Panthers? This isn't 1967 buddy. Maybe if you got off glens vag you'd notice the important the giant spill of oil in the gulf...or did obama do that on purpose so we will fight the british in another war to spur the economy? Im sure glen would think so. Oh and the holocaust never happened. Pff.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I don't know how many times it has worked since I don't really interact with people because I came to the realization years ago that people are fucking morons, so what's the point in arguing with them? Bull shitter? I couldn't hold a candle to Glen Beck in that regard and you seem to be an avid supporter of his rhetoric. So I highly doubt you could decipher bullshit, but I appreciate your well educated judgment of the two lines I wrote.

I am well aware of the issues of political corruption, NWO, police state, civil liberties, war profiteering, and the list goes on. I came to my own conclusions through personal experiences and spending quality time in the library, not sitting my ass in front of the TV listening to some mainstream nut job who is making millions of dollars off his fear mongering performance. Who, may I add, is an employee of the FOX news corporation which is owned and controlled by the same 5 companies that own and control all the spin off TV networks. Getting all fired up and frothing at the mouth just makes you look like an imbecile not to mention posting in a weed growing forum thinking it's going to change anything. You can't change peoples point of views, they have to come to that conclusion on their own or be led by some jackass who has their best interests at heart, but those people are just weak minded to begin with. So in conclusion do me a favor, turn off the TV, smoke a joint, and think what you can do to help fix the problems instead of posting useless nonsense that continue to fuel the fire of hate.

Your the only one posting insluts here buddy, every action has an equal and opposite reaction,so if you cant take it dont dish it.

But your the one who came on here with your hate and insults dont get it twisted u just did it like a couple posts ago u think we forgot or somthin?

Come on man get a hold of yourself

Big P

Well-Known Member
I can't add anything because you stole this from me before I could post it. :) after he failed to state anything other than regurgations of articles and tv videos I stopped caring. He's a sheep. Let him be led. Its a pretty long fall off that cliff into the ocean of bullshit glen spews so...I hope you packed a parachute buddy cause when he dies or when fox gets bored of him...then how will you make decisions about how you should feel and what you should think? Oh noes!!!!! Ask glen to pray for you. And the rest of the crazy people he calls "supporters." Also if you know glen is biased then why do you watch?

Check the definition of biased. I wouldn't believe news from a biased person. Considering it mainly means you know everything he says is OPINION based. Please don't post that gay article....your really worried about the black panthers? The Black Panthers? This isn't 1967 buddy. Maybe if you got off glens vag you'd notice the important the giant spill of oil in the gulf...or did obama do that on purpose so we will fight the british in another war to spur the economy? Im sure glen would think so. Oh and the holocaust never happened. Pff.

Lol your funny cant even back up your first remarks trying to paint me as a racist, and now act like your not responding cuz you dont care but that fact is your full of it and cant back up your claims and assumptions and your wild insults

Just settin the record straight boys its all there written down guys


Is it just me or are there some strange parallels between Glenn beck and hitler? The man is well spoken, has a die hard following that can't be reasoned with, is very good at targeting and singling out people and groups of people, if he was killed now he'd be a martyr for his cause, if he was jailed or fired for something his following would stay with him and he'd find his way back and the man is a humoumgous sensationalist fear monger. I'm not saying that he is hitler or even anywhere near as bad I'm just saying that an eye ought be kept on him


Well-Known Member
fox has run 8 hours and 95 segments about the new black panther at the polling station since 6/30/2010. this story was discredited by the bush admin years ago. there is not a single shred of voter intimidation. so why the fuck would fox run it 95 times, totaling 8+ hours, over 3 weeks time?

more recently, they ran this FAKE story about sherrod, got discredited within the day by REAL news organizations, and are now asking 'where were the real journalists?' (beck's words, not mine).

Big P

Well-Known Member
Fox did not evenreport anything about sherrod until she was fireD by the whitehouse

Your being fed lies

The bush admin is who brought up the charges on the black panthers, they did not discredit the voter antimidation, another fact u have wrong, the obama admin dropped the case

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Big Please advance your reading comprehension skills. I said you SEEMED racist. As in the garbage you were posting had racist undertones. You said something about being I can see where that MAY have manifested itself. You reasoning for Obama not prosecuting these people is that he is black...and they are black. Did Obama openly say that? Or like usual is what your saying based on a BIASED reporter on a SHIT HOLE, SECOND-RATE, UNRELIABLE, LYING network? I'd say probably. So what you said had a lot of racial undertones. This is my last reply to this thread because your a fucking republican extremest that believes the rhetoric of a self-hating SOCIOPATH. You have no capacity to use logical or critical thinking when it comes to forming your own opinions therefore all my posts truly are a waste of time...but I had to put this last one up.

I feel pity for you Big P...i'll be here when your conspiracy theorist ass comes back to reality. Peave and love brother. Have fun being herd to wherever glen decides to lead you. Sigh..

P.S. Glen becks followers happen to be the sole reason people hate the united states. Because they are intolerant nut jobs. My BIASED actually might agree now because i made it so biased :D


Well-Known Member
I don't watch his show, but as I said I did listen to his "Arguing with Idiots" book.

If you haven't read it Kodank, perhaps you should...

Take notes on the things that you question, and then go do some of your own research, as I did.

At least in his book, he was talking facts... not sure what his show is about as I don't watch TV.


Well-Known Member
anyone hear about glenn beck's latest 'outrage'?

he is mad that some water park or the other is having a 'Muslim Family Day' on 9/12. i guess he feels like he owns that day and people should check with him before scheduling anything. what an egomaniacal ass.

he compares this to japanese having a 'japanese family day' on dec 8th....which first of all would be a pretty shitty day to be at a waterpark.

but what he leaves out is that the muslim families have been doing this since 2000, and sadly did not have the event in 2001-2004 because the dude who organized the event, a muslim, tragically perished on 9/11 in the 92nd floor of the WTC.

i can not fathom how this asshat gets outraged over this event, yet still has the balls to do his 'i have a scheme' speech on 8/28. if anyone is wondering why, just google 8/28/1963. he is completely co-opting here.
