Global Culture

Mister Sister

Active Member
Been thinking about how culture influences our world, how the physical senses meld with emotion to create a human expression so unique. It is intriguing to me because it seems that we all are sharing this basic experience. As different as people are from all parts of the globe, you can still understand and respect a culture simply by observing them and discovering the fragments of their reality that so intimately mirror your own.

We, as a collective people, need to spread the vastness of our local cultures in order to remind eachother that we are essentially all the same. Our differences become tools, enabling us to simultaneously stretch our worldviews to uncharted territory, while also feeling so connected and grounded to our current environments and situations.

Of course there will always be people butting heads, and this is fine; to be expected.

All politics/religion aside, the message I'm conveying to you is that we discover our true potential when we decide to consciously connect with our global family. The internet is such a great medium to use for this! Podcasts allow people to talk about subjects that the media won't cover. Music allows people to connect, if only for a moment, in a way that melds the inner and outer realities of humanity.

The net allows people the opportunity to put their thoughts out there in a tangible form for others to assess and evolve. For example, in Russia there are now subways that sell rides to people who do 30 squats. Think about how this type of thought could swing the power back in to the hands of people. This is a very basic idea, but it's a starting point - money ain't everything!

Get your gears turning, I am establishing a global culture with the help of many individuals. There is no us and them, nothing to join. Just share your perspective, and respect your neighbor. We don't have to compete against each other anymore. Think of what we could accomplish if our aim wasn't so singularly dominated by money. The earth has more than enough for us all, if we choose to approach the situation with respect for eachother, ourselves, and the world or universe at large.