global warming is killing people

but hey, look on the bright side, its probably your fault cuz you drive an suv and like to heat your han said:dunce:

Your a fucking idiot. Congrats I decided to be like you and just say stupid shit in this post to be like you.

You are racist because your a republican and hate mexicans.

And because your a republican you litter your mcdonalds wrappers and cheat on your wife with guys in the airport bathrooms.

Oh and your daughter will take it in the ass without a condom because she is religious and believes that is not having sex and never got taught to use protection.

You also support timothy mcvey blowing up the government building.

Let's see what kind of other stupid shit can I make up, oh you hate illegal drugs, and think all music and tv shows that are not leave it to beaver needs to be banned because it is hurting our fragile minds.
My lib bubble, you crack me up.

What did I say that leads you to live in a 'lib bubble' and what exactly is a lib bubble, I got to admit I just love when you go into your crazy little rants that are completely make belief.


ill start with this

What was the gas levels back then? And what was the weather patterns/growing cycles like during this warm climate in the different places like here in America? That is what really matters. Now we need to figure out if people producing everything that we do today and for the last few hundred years can affect the levels of the different gases.

If we as a whole built up the same amount of these things that have changed the climate in the past over the last couple hundred years wouldn't it stand that we then could affect the climate in a similar measure? I just don't understand how you can say no there is 100% no way that human kind can affect the earth, it is astounding.

Nobody is saying natural causes can't cause these things (and on a much faster and larger scale), it is obvious and historically proven that they can and have. But to deny that we may cause similar phenomenon because of our massive scale of industry is just closing your eyes and saying 'nuh-uh'.

pretty lib to try and twist the atrocities going on in africa and incinuating that its somehow americas fault. you have a one track mind. dont blame the brutal scumbags sawing off little kids heads in front of their sisters, blame me for heating my home and using gas.

get it?
I'll join you Han! No not really I'm a white Canadian(nickname=mex,I love to go to mexico), have not regestered or driven my CAR in 4 years, He already knows I heat with hydro electricity, And I know not too much about politics aside from what I read on here, Always learning!
Originally Posted by hanimmal
My lib bubble, you crack me up.

What did I say that leads you to live in a 'lib bubble' and what exactly is a lib bubble, I got to admit I just love when you go into your crazy little rants that are completely make belief.


ill start with this

What was the gas levels back then? And what was the weather patterns/growing cycles like during this warm climate in the different places like here in America? That is what really matters. Now we need to figure out if people producing everything that we do today and for the last few hundred years can affect the levels of the different gases.

If we as a whole built up the same amount of these things that have changed the climate in the past over the last couple hundred years wouldn't it stand that we then could affect the climate in a similar measure? I just don't understand how you can say no there is 100% no way that human kind can affect the earth, it is astounding.

Nobody is saying natural causes can't cause these things (and on a much faster and larger scale), it is obvious and historically proven that they can and have. But to deny that we may cause similar phenomenon because of our massive scale of industry is just closing your eyes and saying 'nuh-uh'.

pretty lib to try and twist the atrocities going on in africa and incinuating that its somehow americas fault. you have a one track mind. dont blame the brutal scumbags sawing off little kids heads in front of their sisters, blame me for heating my home and using gas.

get it?

No, because you make zero sense. Where in the red do you see me saying anything about Africa? And where do you see me saying it is America's fault? Seriously dude you have lost touch with reality.

Your reasoning is such a bratty reaction.

You tell a snotty kid that they are doing something wrong, and they flip out and just start crying about anything that they can formulate into sentences regardless if it is true or not.
My lib bubble, you crack me up.

What did I say that leads you to live in a 'lib bubble' and what exactly is a lib bubble, I got to admit I just love when you go into your crazy little rants that are completely make belief.

And no I am not saying we cut off all aid to africa, they are fucked atm and cannot do much to fix their needs atm.

But there is plenty of places that can produce food, yes they will have to deal with robbers, warlords and every other horrible thing that goes on in their shitty economically backwards country, but they will have to get past that eventually.

Economics speaks for itself. When people are able to farm for themselves and start to actually make a living out of it, and others can start to develop their areas and trade increases it will lead to the people that hold them down no longer being able to dictate their lives. But without having the ability to farm for themselves it is not going to get there anytime soon.

You know how long it would take for them to save so that they can afford an ox to be able to help plow?

The problem is they are starting at zero, and don't have anything to build up their living standards to be able to farm their own food. You cannot just decide to be a farmer and have food on your table a day later. You need a lot of capital to start up. Tossing a seed in the dirt with no knowhow is not going to work (very reason why this website exists). They are essentially being herded to where the food is being dropped and unable to really get any forward progress.[/QUOTE]
International aid, in the form of food and drinking water, far outweighs that of the independent charities. But what do the charities concentrate on? Firstly immunisation, Secondly drinking water, thirdly independent food production. Charities like Water aid concentrate on building wells and irrigation, International aid needs to be directed better. Sending lorries of flour across wartorn countries only to be intercepted by armed guerillas is ridiculous. Why is it done? So the countries that give the aid can then say, 'well, we tried to help did'nt we?' The politicians love to be able to say 'we gave X £XXXXX amount of aid last year' What they should have to say is 'we gave X amount aid last year out of which 10% helped, the rest fed the dictators guerillas'. Son Han I'm afraid you need to think your argument through a little more on this one..
The African nations are a hotbed of socialist states. They don't have an infrastructure for success.

If you think corruption is bad in the western nations, go to Africa. There is no comparison.

They need a democratic republic system ... or it's just flushing assets down the drain, year after year.
International aid, in the from of form and drinking water, far outweighs that of the independent charities. But what do the charities concentrate on? Firstly immunisation, Secondly drinking water, thirdly independent food production. Charities like Water aid concentrate on building wells and irrigation, International aid needs to be directed better. Sending lorries of flour across wartorn countries only to be intercepted by armed guerillas is ridiculous. Why is it done? So the countries that give the aid can then say, 'well, we tried to help did'nt we?' The politicians love to be able to say 'we gave X £XXXXX amount of aid last year' What they should have to say is 'we gave X amount aid last year out of which 10% helped, the rest fed the dictators guerillas'. Son Han I'm afraid you need to think your argument through a little more on this one..

I think that we are just having a failure to communicate here, because I am not sure where what you are saying is different from what I am.

I agree with what your saying, and just think we should have them to become more self efficient and not rely on outside support that in the end hurts more (in a time sense the further out you go the worse it gets) than it helps (the people that get the food are very much helped, but that only goes so far, it doesn't help them to survive better or develop economically).

And CJ I agree.

When people are tired and desperate, they go to the people that are telling them most what they want to hear. And because they don't know any better they fall for it. And that cycle continues and they will not get out of this hell until they can move to a free society.
Fuck someone get Obama on the line, we need to start taxing the earth's fault lines.

Just popped in my mind, a lot of geologists are saying "I told you so" today.